
Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Blogger’s bug

As most of us know, the blogs we follow don’t load on our Google/blogger home page, commencing yesterday morning. It’s a bug they’re working on, they say. How long does it take a whole lot of computer programmers to fix a “bug?” 

Don’t make me figure out how to use Feedly or Google Reader or Fark or those things more savvy folks use. Or, folks with savvy relatives to set them up. Perhaps I already use Google Reader and it has the bug. I don’t know. Here’s where to add you name to the frustrated list:

The most recent blogger posting is all that’s on the home page, although the list of blogs I follow is down the side. Scroll down and select one, then scroll back up to read it is stupid. I realize I don’t often scrutinize that list and can’t recall the last time I pruned it down. So many bloggers not with us, gone for one reason or another. I can’t take them off.

How do you manage receiving the blogs you follow? Are you suffering the one blog home page, or do you have a work around? What is it; I’ll sign up in a minute.


  1. Joanne, I have just been checking for updates on the blogs I list on my blog reading list...which has not been updated in a while. I will add my name to the frustrated..thx.

    You can change your list of blogs you follow. Hit the little star thingy on the right when on your dashboard and you can edit blogs you follow.

  2. I'm glad you posted about this problem. I thought I was alone in seeing one blog at a time. It did lead me to go through the blogs I follow and stop following bloggers who don't write anymore. I have a headache. I guess I'll check back later to see if the geniuses have solved the problem. I don't know of any way around it.


  3. yes, it's been like that for me for 5 days. I already had a list of blogs I follow on my blog using one of the widgets and they are all showing up there so I'm just using the list of links on my side bar on my blog instead of the dashboard.

  4. I have been reading about this problem this morning -- several of the blogs I read mentioned it. Keeping my fingers crossed that I don't get this bug. So far my pages have held up fine. One thing I started about 6 months ago was to start bookmarking the blogs I read.I designated a section in my bookmarks titled BLOGS. I don't have a complete list yet as I am rather lazy doing this but it would be a good start to resurrect a blog list if something happens to my blogspot pages. I really do think they will eventually get it fixed (I think). I hope if they get it fixed that the page blogs will return in the same listing format as you had it -- otherwise it can be a time sapper to redo.

  5. "whole lot of computer programmers to fix a “bug?”" - Often that's the problem too many programmers independently stumbling over each other's code. I just check my blog roll which I suspect is set-up the same way as your blog roll on the side. I was able to modify my list. I also use Bloglovin. It's ok. I have noticed that the blog roll doesn't update very quickly with new postings.

  6. Sorry, I don't know anything about blogs because I don't have one. That's not fully true - I know that there is some great reading on blogs - but other than that, nuthin'. I hope the issue resolves soon. I get very frustrated with the glitches in technology but my life is also richer for it. It's a strange relationship.

  7. Hari Om
    Ooooh I am glad I read it here and saved myself the trouble of moaning out loud.... I thought it was the famous YAMcursinducingtechnoetherwobblies striking again. Well I s'pose it is, only it's infected everyone else. Sigh. Patience tester. Thanks for the link. YAM xx

    1. .....aww C***, now even that is not working - won't let me post my complaint. Full mailbox perhaps??? (sound of evil cackling fades into the elements....)

  8. I'm just waiting for them to fix the problem but - today - YOURS is the ONLY one they offered me to read! Hooray!

  9. Same problem.....I joined the screaming millions in the list.

  10. Thank you for mentioning Joanne. I was wondering if it was something to do with my computer.

  11. Same here Joanne. I'm having to go into 'Bloglovin' to follow my favourite blogs, but it's very time consuming. Hope they fix it soon.

  12. Sigh. And at the moment it seems to be spreading rather than diminishing. Fingers and toes crossed.

  13. I'm glad you mentioned this because I noticed the problem a few days ago. I do hope Blogger gets it fixed and fixed quickly! I ended up putting the blogs I follow on my blog, some in my favorites, and I'm winging it. I think I might be missing some, but that's the best I can do for what I have to work with.


  14. I haven't been to my Google/Blogger home page in ages. I access blogs I follow via the list on my sidebar, others are listed in my favourites/bookmarked list. I don't have more than a couple of dozen, so I'm fine with this system.
    I hope you all get fixed soon though.

  15. I too faced this problem for almost a year, and then suddenly last month it turned out OK and all my posts went into the feed post together. Weird.

  16. seems to be fixed.

  17. Just fumed and waited for them to fix it and this morning it was fixed.

  18. I stay as Luddite as possible when it comes to this issue. If someone leaves me a comment, I can click on their link and visit their blog. I often go back through previous comments, even from years ago, and then I revisit folks I haven't "seen" in awhile. Also, once I'm at a blog, I look at their sidebars and totally poach their links, thus visiting new folks that way.

    In summary: don't be me.

  19. I just look at my blog list and go through and see who has written anything. :)

  20. I thought something was off as I have just returned from my travels. Oh well no time for tech matters here either. Joe's kids are due to arrive soon and the refrigerator is leaking. Summer is heating up on all fronts.

  21. I've seen other bloggers with the same problem. I'm okay so far here in my little corner of the blogging world. Good thing. I've figured out just enough of the mechanics of blogging to function.

  22. Dear Joanne,
    I just came back from a big party in Hildesheim. So: maybe I missed the problem (if: then I'm glad to). I have a blog-list (as you have - you are on mine, but I am not on - humpf...). So I always see the newest posts of bloggers I follow.
