
Saturday, May 3, 2014

Weeds growing for another week

Spring to date is disappointing. Rain, cold, overly brief opportunities to help the garden along. Today was the same. Laura and I went shopping for a few more hanging basket plants, and left them on the porch, protected from the nasty, cold wind.

Then there was sunshine, and we went out to pot up our purchases. The wind dropped, the sun stayed, and the rest of my crew was called outside to to tackle a project. It was not warm, but it was warm enough.

There are very old anemones in one of the plots by the steps.

And outside the plot.

There is one checkered lily there that has survived on years of neglect.

And two checkered lilies way over here almost at the road.
Jan knows she planted three lilies and a couple of anemone years ago.
Any one else thinking forgetful squirrel or chipmunk, here?

We moved them all over to the realm of anemone and colchicum.

And gave the lilies their own little place. See the three of them?

Now for the yucca that never went away.
Shadow helpers are grunting for Hamilton.

And emerged to help replace the yucca we moved in the fall.
Several didn't make it.
This year we carefully kept the roots oriented in the same direction.
We'll see.

This end is looking pretty good.
When the colchicum die back I hope the succulent ground covers have spread a lot.

This end is looking good, too.
We're waiting for the tall guys in back to bloom.
I think they're iris.

This summer's project is to fill in the big garden,
And redo these two little plots.

This is Eubha, a rescue Cairn we brought home almost four years ago.
A puppy mill mama.
Her ears were notched at every litter.
One ear fell off from all the notches.
She wanders around eating worms, slugs and dandelions.

I leaned on the rail admiring the prospect.
Pinks in the lower right, doing well. 
The rose right behind.
Brown eyed Susans.
Clematis starting up the trellis.
Over on the left, the mystery plants,
the Solomon'seals, 
Butterfly plants (don't remember the name),
and another big old storm rolling in from the west.
The weeds are on their own for another week.


  1. Looking good. I don't think the tall boys are iris. The leaves and the buds don't look right to me. Time will tell.
    Hiss and spit on the puppy mill front - glad that Euba found sanctuary with you - and that she repays it by helping with pest and weed control.

  2. You are ahead of us in the 'spring' department. Spring? Who am I kidding?! I dashed out between rain storms yesterday to rake leaves.There are now sodden leaf mountains on a bed of least the weeds are green.
    Jane x

  3. Your comment on my blog of today
    Was beautiful
    Thank you

  4. The mystery iris looks a lot like my mother's peonies (she called them "pine-eese") They always bloomed near Memorial Day. You will have some amazing blooms. I'm talking about your gr-kids.

  5. That's planing for you, I pretty much cut back in the winter and let grow in the summer and Drummy eats a few things along the way.
    Your garden will be wonderful .

  6. how disgusting to notch that dog's ears so glad you rescued her, your garden is looking so beautiful so many plants and so little time to tend to them. ha

  7. Eubha is a sweetie, Joanne, glad you took her in! Rescues are the best.

  8. Such a sweet looking dog; such a sad story, but glad she is in your family now! Lots of work to do; looks like a big yard you have! We certainly could use some of that rain!


  9. I do miss spring living here in Hawaii. Thank you for this post. I could almost feel the warmth of the spring sunshine and feel that glory again of the first flowers. Her ears were notched?

  10. Hello Eubha, you lucky girl, finding such a good home.
    What is that stand of plants in front of the "maybe" iris?

    1. Thanks to all the detectives on the job, the maybe iris are alium. I picked them because they deter moles. However, I believe we also established moles aren't that bad; they just eat earthworms, as well as make tunnels that can cave in. In front of the alium are Solomon's seals. Also a peony. And more to come up.

  11. Dear Joanne,
    that looks good! The fritillaria looks good in meadows too, but I understand that one wants them near the house. Weeds thrive on their own (also in cold, rainy weather, sorry to say) - and there is always another week to pull them out. One has to set priorities - and you have chosen beauty.

  12. Snakeshead Fritillary are so pretty but mine all disappeared. I read that Pheasants eat them. Also only have one surviving anemone.
    What a dear ( sad ) little dog x

  13. Hari OM
    How interesting - I just took some shots in the public gardens of the fritillaries in pots. I love them. I rather think the Tall Blokes are a type of ALIUM - looking forward to finding out with you!

    Eubha got lucky in the end... don't get me started on the subject of 'milling'..... YAM xx

  14. Poor little least she has some happy times now.
    Spring has been a little disappointing this year hasn't it....but this morning...for the first time in about seven days....we woke up to sun. glorious sun.

  15. looking good. It's already getting too hot to work outside past mid-morning. evenings are still good though. and once again, I have so much work that I am missing the best days to garden. and of course, my injured wrist (which is improving) is keeping me from doing much.

  16. I'm glad you gave a home to Eubha. There are so many sad stories, and never enough good homes. She was lucky.

    Your gardens are looking good.

  17. Always like that open palette look -- ready to receive the new and grow the old -- your flowers will be beautiful -- barbara
