
Saturday, May 10, 2014

We planted...

Arenaria Montana – Sandwort
Blue star creeper
Dwarf bee balm
Sweet woodruff
False spirea
White comets
Bleeding heart
Hens and chicks
Coral bells

And possibly more.

Not real sure where it all landed.

And all the allium are fit to pop. Everyone will be purple.
The Solomon's seal is filling in this year.

I promise no more garden pictures until it has spread about a bit.
June or July

But do look at these two late bloomers,
Red anemones and blue.

We worked in the garden from nine to five.
A less royal we this week;
I'm beat, too.


  1. WOW! You're way ahead of me. Love the pictures - at least I can enjoy vicariously.
    I will say that our miniature maple trees are happily sprouting everywhere and the same vicious little weed that drove me nuts last year has also returned. My back aches already just thinking about it.

  2. I think I see pansies, I never heard of all those others. I'm not much of a garden guy, but I do like flowers.

  3. It's going to be lovely! What a lot of work y'all did.... am looking forward to the "after" photos ;-)

  4. I love planting stuff out...and waiting to discover that I planted it all too close together!

  5. You are way ahead of us. Beware the Sweet has designs on world domination.
    Jane x

  6. It will be wonder ful when it matures, before even, is wonderful. No better way to spend a day.

  7. I think we need a picture in a few weeks to see the progress and then the "final" picture when all is in bloom. That is a lot of planting; a lot of hard work. I'm sure all will sleep well tonight!


  8. We are still having frost some nights; no planting here yet. You all did a huge amount of work; I'd need the Tylenol after that effort!

  9. Oooh. How lovely. And no weeds!!! Wow. And wow again.

  10. It's going to be so beautiful in June or July when it grows together like a colourful carpet.

  11. I think it's looking good already. I'm sure it will look fabulous over teh summer.

  12. ooh I look forward to seeing it later on x

  13. You must all be exhausted but the gardens look wonderful.

  14. oh those are all going to be so lovely, I really must get started on my perennial and herb garden soon.

  15. Hari Om
    Oh my word it's going to be glorious! You have some of my absolute faves in there; columbine and solomons seal and gerberas..... YAM xx

  16. So exciting to see where everything comes up! In my case it is so often weeds which I cherish for ages and then suddenly recognise :)

  17. Just lovely, Joanne, and I hope you have a chance to relax today. Happy Mother's Day to you. Thank you so much for your friendship and for your lovely photos.

  18. Your garden looks beautiful now and will get more so as the year unfolds. Looking forward to more pictures.

  19. Oh when that all comes full bloom you HAVE to show us! I can't wait!!!

  20. In a month or two it will be a mass of flowers.

  21. I spotted bee balm too. Mine has taken over but I don't care. Garden posts are always welcome by me.

  22. Just had to let you and Janice know that I got a wren in the lilac bush at the bottom of the stairs..It is the house that Tom and Laura made and Laura painted..Chappy sits close by and wonders what all the noise is about.He does not realize that when he comes up the stairs, the noise stops.

  23. What a lovely display you will have in your garden with all those plants :-). I'm 'visiting' from Una's blog.

  24. Ahhhh..... spring! This is wonderful!
