
Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Art is Work

Last Thursday I set aside everything else to go with Linda and "do a show," Broadripple Art Fair put on by the Indianapolis Museum of Art. Linda books the same motel year after year where there is a big retention pond in the middle of a great deal of urban construction. Previous years we've fed the ducks.

This year Linda fished, every night. Fishing is a passion, and if she had her druthers she'd do a lot more. That striped stool carried a lot of gear; the brown vest the same. She opened her tackle box in the room and ooh'd and aah'd, but I didn't fall for it. I know fishing from nothing. She caught bass and sunnies (whatever they are). She put them all back. I wonder if she caught any twice.

We left for Indianapolis Thursday afternoon; Friday morning we arrived early at the art museum to set up.

It was cold and wet, and became colder and wetter in the falling rain. Many set up the following morning. Linda's youngest cousin, Bruce, arrived to help. Bruce is fifty five. He has a lot of good setting up years left in him.

Saturday was too cold and miserable to recount. When not huddled in my chair I wandered around. All weekend I watched a bus being painted. I once painted all our interior booth set up brown, using spray cans. My index finger was numb for a month. These fellows used the index finger method. I've seen thumb controls that can be put over the button. Perhaps they haven't arrived yet in Indianapolis.

Do not be deceived by blue sky. The temperature did not reach sixty that day.

Another great find while walking for warmth! An art teacher put together this hands on children's project. She and her assistants built geodesic domes using dowels. Think Tinker Toys! Covered the dome with chicken wire. Strategically placed bins of rag strips and invited passers by to weave. They had a four harness Nilus LeClerc on a table, to demonstrate "regular" weaving. It had less than an inch of work on it. The domes were covered by Sunday night.

 Plenty of "real" art on display. The artist in the upper left won a third place ribbon. Sadly, I never located first and second. They must have been something!

The weather was beautiful for Sunday; sixty and sunshine. Ten degrees from perfect, but not bad.

Some garden art. I could go on and on; there was more than enough to look at.

My favorites, the children. I asked the young father permission to snap his little girl, and he smiled, too.

Then it was Sunday night, and over. Tear down, pack up, go home. Our neighbor was a glass artist. As he packed up I saw the paint brush on the back of a panel. Removes dirt from those pesky spots in his creations, I'm sure. I loved the dad going for their van, trailed by his boys.


  1. The bus is very Pricilla Queen of the Desert

  2. I am envious - looked like a really nice event.

  3. Art is indeed work - and I am so grateful for the passion, the persistence and the determination of so many artists.
    Thank you for taking us along.
    Fishing? I would rather feed ducks.

  4. I know nothing about fishing. I know nothing about a lot of things.


  5. I'd love some of the glass stuff...I'v no idea what it's for,I just like it.
    Jane x

  6. The wife loves these events.....I would probably go fishing or follow behind her pouting.

  7. Looks like a nice place to spend a day even if it coolish. I agree that art and setting up booths and displays is a lot of work.

  8. Yes, it is still chilly on the whole, maybe a warm day once in long while. I love these fair I just can never find them.

  9. Looks like a fun time even if it was cold.

  10. You are a pack of energy to be running around like you do. I have worked many an outdoor antique show in my time (when I was younger) and felt they were energy depleters. But, usually very enjoyable as one gets to see what others have brought and usually everyone is in a festive friendly mood. -- barbara

  11. I would have SO enjoyed this, Joanne. Thanks so much for sharing.

  12. When the weather is good, shows can be fun. I haven't done one in a long time or gone to one either. But I do like to see what is on offer when I go.

  13. It does look like a great show except for the weather, but I'm sure I too would have enjoyed walking around looking at things and would have had to try that weaving. I bet it was also nice to "get out of Dodge" and take a little side trip like this.


  14. I love this. It looks like so much fun. That lily painting is really lovely. I think I'd be tempted to buy those colorful glass garden art. Thank you for sharing this wonderful day.

  15. I love stuff like this. I used to do flea markets every weekend and the setting up and taking down is indeed a job but I really enjoyed talking with so many different people.

  16. Linda is the second woman that I've heard of who loves fishing.

  17. sometimes art is too much work but at least there was a little relaxing inbetween

  18. Such a fun weekend! I love the garden art and that painted bus. And the geo domes, I've always liked geo domes.

  19. Come the summer and you may think back on 'cold and huddled' with a fond memory! Events like this are great fun though -- especially when it doesn't rain!!! Great pictures and I agree with you about the father with the kids trailing behind -- like ducks...

  20. Hari OM
    OOohhhhhh, reading this and seeing the piccies I realise it is far too long since I had a cultural activities booster. Need to get me some art on... YAM xx

  21. You must had a tough day fighting with the climate and doing preparations. Things looks beautiful!

  22. Beautiful art and cool projects! I love that bus!! Hopefully your weather will get warmer soon!!

  23. " lot of good setting up years left in him" - what do you bribe him with?
    I like the domes and having audience interaction with the art.

  24. Dear Joanne,
    so you had a great time, despite of the weather. To see so many different attractions (I love especially the snapshots of the children) must have been overdtrumping the cold.

  25. You're right. Art is work. But the results usually bring smiles and even if the weather is bad a show like that really brings people together. Love the kid photos.

  26. My SIL does these monthly shows... and it IS a lot of work. As for me, I'd go fishing any day.

  27. That dome covered with wire is very interesting. It looks like the bus is being painted to look like a trailer home.

  28. Like the garden decorations, I would have been sorely tempted.
    Catch and release, good for her.

  29. love this---now this is where i need to be---been searching high and low for the perfect bday gift for one of my sons---sorry the weather was so cold!

  30. and now I get to speak..Yes, I love fishing..So where was Joanne when I caught a good size bass?? In bed, no doubt. This show is always a test to see if two women in their 70's can still do a show. WE CAN..Although I didn't do as well as I had hoped the orders now come in so all is good. The 55 year old cousin is the necessary element. Setting up and breaking down is the one thing we can no longer do..we celebrate at the Broadripple Brewery for lunch after set-up on Friday. When Joanne can no longer, "get on the bus" which means climbing into my truck we will be done....but until then we continue and I love her company and conversation. A 30 yr friendship which I treasure. I can't find where to publish the picture we had at the brewery!!!
