
Tuesday, May 27, 2014

After the parade

What a beautiful day yesterday; not too warm, pleasant breeze. The kid's dad came back with us from the parade to spend the afternoon until Hamilton's jazz gig at seven, in the gazebo on the green.

Looking around my living room at strong young men, an inspiration. We decided some time ago the fifteen year old swing set in the side yard needs to go, but no date set for demolition. I still have little girls around here who go sit in the swing seats and twirl around and exchange secrets. I thought a glider would be a fine replacement. 

Children at work. So was their dad, but I didn't snap him until later.

Farewell, old friend.

The replacement.

"Just fine," the men said. Note the birdhouse at my son-in-law's shoulder. An entire afternoon of one angry wren giving them what for as the swing set came down made no impression on the demolition gang.  There are three active bird houses in this little stand of three oaks, and the same wren seems to be the patriarch of all three. "Move it away from the stand of oaks," Grandma asked.

"OK?" from the inspector of gliders, turned to face the three bird houses and the unhappy wren.

I had to go down there.

Way up the yard, by an entirely bird house free stand of oaks and maples.
Job done just in time for supper and Music on the Green.


  1. I wouldn't mess with a wren mom either.

  2. Size has very little bearing on a birds feistiness we have noticed.
    It looks like a job very well done. Yay for fit and healthy helpers.

  3. The glider looks inviting for young AND old :-)

  4. Job well done. Yes, and although wrens are small their nerve is mighty. Stay off their turf!

  5. I like that glider; I think I'd spend a lot of time on it! I think it was wise to take the swing set down and replace it with what you did!


  6. I think the glider will be well used!

  7. Wonderful, Joanne! I love that glider!

  8. That first image is your old swing set? It looks more like a whole playground to me.
    An adventure playground. There's a slide, places to climb and sit.
    The glider looks lovely, but far less adventurous.

  9. Love the new glider...good choice!

  10. I love that glider too. It's beautiful and looks so comfortable!

  11. that poor little wren, I just hat to hear animals and birds suffer.

  12. Hari Om
    Territorial little tykes, those wrens, but she oughta have know better than to nest at the Cup House!!! Good afternoon's worth of activity there; trust the concert suitably soothed... YAM xx

  13. Beautiful glider.
    As for wrens, they are small but feisty!

  14. Never tick off a wren (including this retired WREN!).
    Jane x

  15. I love the glider and glad you sided with the wren.

  16. Dear Joanne,
    good that you showed a picture of the 'glider' - because I thought: Joanne can't mean a little aeroplane?
    The bench looks very nice - but will the children not miss their swing?
    A wren with 3 homes: impressive. He might have read too many financial newspapers. :-)

  17. Both the nesters and the gliders look well accommodated.

  18. Joanne, you are all business on the outside and a softy inside :)
