
Thursday, April 24, 2014

Whupped! Leaving three trails.

It has been a long and mentally draining two weeks at work.
When I am 77, when Laura is through school, 
I won't run for office one more time
And then I will spill the beans.
But until then, it's one more time through the electoral process.

I love chickadees. So cheeky.
I was off to run another errand and stopped short to watch this one.
"Oh, it's her again."
Back to cracking seeds.

The background greenery is the fall crocus and Aunt Laura's iris.
The four hundred plus crocus that we removed last fall
Obviously did not include the rear guard.

Some of them may join some of Aunt Laura's iris
Over the ravine. The ravine lilies are in rare form,
But I'm too tired to go take a picture.

Spending the day at Linda's tomorrow.
Warping the ten foot loom.

Gas is up twenty cents a gallon!
Must I work until I'm 83?


  1. Love the chickadees. I have discovered that bulbs 'walk'. You think you have them all - and you are wrong.
    And I am hoping that you won't have to work until anything like 83. Our fuel is around $1.60 a LITRE at the moment. And a litre is slightly less than a quarter of a gallon. Alternative forms of transport are becoming even more appealing.

  2. In Calif., the cost of gas varies from $3.85 to $3.99, altho some cheeky stations have move the numbers to $4.05.

    Working in a pit of vipers is totally exhausting. I feel your frustration.

  3. It's only fair that if I have the worlds supply of ugly orange day lilies,that you get the croci.
    Jane x

  4. In Granbury, TX gasoline is $3.48 a gallon today..... don't know what it will cost us when we head to Ohio soon. If you want a good laugh... our granddaughter who is 21 quit her job a couple of weeks ago... she was tired of working. I will add that since she'd recently moved back home with her mom, the rules were that she must have a job. She started it today... working at a restaurant. Yesterday she said that if she had to wear a hairnet that she'd quit. I don't suppose you'd like to add her to your clan for a while?

    1. Perhaps it's too expensive to drive to work. $3.89/gallon. Maybe she should be in Australia. My 21 year old granddaughter finally earns enough at her part time job to get the cable turned back on. But, she doesn't pay rent. I don't get it, either.

  5. Sounds like you are more than ready to retire.

  6. I hope there comes a day, and soon, when you can slow down and do nothing but watch the chick-a-dee-dees.

  7. This morning the expensive place was $3.69. I am starting to think I must have that pig in the photo.

  8. I hear you about growing older, growing more tired, and seeing the prices of almost everything skyrocket.

  9. How sweet to see some chickadees, Joanne! Although I am sure there are some of these birds in my area, (Montreal), I don't have a garden so I don't get to see them. I mostly see (a few cardinals here and there), sparrows, seagulls, ravens, crows, ducks and geese. Your photos are lovely.

  10. Chickadees look a bit like our blue wrens.
    Retire, you sound ready.

    1. I was just tired and grumpy. I cannot retire while I am supporting grandchildren and that is six more years.

  11. Liked the transition from paragraph one to two. :-P

  12. In today's times, it is hard to retire and give up that paycheck.

  13. Sometimes I wish I was retired but I hope to be able to work for many more years.

  14. I'm retired most days. It's great. But I have a freelance grant writing gig that pays for my indulgences. Today I worked all day at planning meetings and I'm ready to retire, but I'll feel differently tomorrow. I think we're lucky that we have the option. I have a friend who is 65 and lives only on social security. She has medical conditions that don't allow her to supplement her income. Yep, I'm lucky!

  15. The birds were pretty. Yep, they are doing the normal pricing with gas; they'll rise it, keep it there for a bit, get all their profits, and then start letting it go down a bit, never back to the price it started rising from. Ridiculous!

    I don't think I'll ever be able to retire.

    Enjoy your day tomorrow, sounds fun!


  16. I love chickadees and yours are so cute.

    I wish you could retire right away. You are so amazing!

  17. Our gas is measured in litres which vary between $1.75 to over $2.00 per litre and there are almost 5 litres to the gallon. Makes me so glad I don't drive or own a car.

    I hope you are able to retire when Laura is finished with school, you have worked your whole life and deserve some rest. You deserve to put your feet up and have others wait on you at least a few times a week.

  18. There are some men who have worked very hard all their lives. Then, they resign and die a few days or weeks later. So sad. But their widows say that their husbands enjoyed their jobs a lot.

  19. 83 is the new 63 or at least that is what I tell myself as I head off to the office.

  20. You've got my sympathies. And gas....yesterday filling up halfway back to MT it was 75$ for a tankfull...that's 300 miles per tank. A few years ago Texas was the cheapest gas in the country, but living there is not something I would do ever.

  21. Hari OM
    Hmmmm arguments for keeping to public transport.... pretty bird.... I don't think 'retire' is in your vocabulary!!! YAMxx

  22. I keep telling myself: Keeping busy keeps me young. Some days I nearly believe it.

  23. I read a thing on FB that says we should be thankful for Facebook. The way gas prices are going it may be the only way we see each other! Take a break lady. :)

  24. A cup of tea & a sit down can work wonders ... hope you get yours xx

  25. I believe that gas will continue upwards in price for quite a while. We all need to find more activities to do at home than gad about lining the oil companies pockets. -- barbara -- FOLKWAYS NOTEBOOK
