
Sunday, April 27, 2014

The question was, what happens next to Bertha

Without apology, and with only slight permission
I have borrowed freely from two web sites to 
tell a weaving story about our friend, Linda.
Her studio had gone out of control.
This is what Linda saw:

Her looms were land locked.
A tiny island in a sea of shuttles and weft.
I'd been there and knew the tipping point was close.
The children were on semester break, Jan took the week off,
And the crew went to Columbiana.

This is what they saw:

My sister told the story of wresting order from chaos on her blog,

Laura sorting something

Hamilton on some clean up.

Linda's empty looms were dressed.

Emily tying onto a loaded beam,

Laura tying up another.

Linda weaves most rugs on two harness Union looms.
They're all antiques.
This one above is almost done having the warp pulled through and tied up to the breast beam apron.

Done; ready to weave.

Here are some rugs I borrowed from Linda's web site.
This is random. Anything she could reach in the aforementioned chaos.
What she could reach at arm's length.
That's what she named the rugs.

This is a wool rug, woven in the old rag rug style.
It's wider, close to four feet, I think.
Approaching Bertha sized.

This is a Pendleton wool rug.
These are Linda's favorites, woven from Pendleton's Navajo blanket selvedges.
Each blanket has a name; I'm sure Linda will chime in later with the name of this.
People walk into her booth and recognize them.

A Pendleton Navajo similar to the last rug is next up for Bertha.
Linda has an order for a seven by eight. Feet, that is.
It will be stunning.


  1. Hari OM
    That is a serious 'guddle' but somehow it has been tamed and the work flows on. Beautiful weaving. YAM xx

  2. Your three troupers are amazing. You must be so proud of them

  3. Never have been close to loom so don't understand how it all works... but I'm amazed at how it all looks in the end. Y'all did a fantastic job of putting the loom-room in order.... someone's going to be real happy when they see it!

  4. Simply incredible! Wow!

  5. How great that the looms are open for business again, and judging by the pictures of past rugs, well worth the effort!

  6. Open for artistry again. Business yes, but the artistry first and foremost. Beautiful, beautiful work. Thank you - and your team.

  7. I hear so much about the younger generation being vested only in themselves. But your grandchildren are shining example that this is not necessarily true -- barbara -- FOLKWAYS NOTEBOOK

  8. I come from a weaving town so enjoyed seeing the equipment.
    Jane x

  9. How cool the kids could help and learn part of this fascinating craft!


  10. I'm totally impressed with the gear and the skills needed to produce those beautiful tapestries. It's also cool to see how you're handing down the expertise and artistry to the next generation.

  11. I will never question the cost of a handmade rug again.
    Your gr-kids are learning so much.

  12. I so admire those who have the patience and vision to create these works of art.

  13. The Pendleton Navajo would be my favourite - but above all: you really, really helped your friend by cleaning that room (or rooms?) up. It must have been disheartening for her to see the chaos, that high that she might have thought: no way to get it into order. You were very diligent - now creativity has room again to blossom.

  14. So much work! I am awed. and I like the mixed colours in that last rug.

  15. Stunning work and so very kind of you all to help her.

  16. Well done kiddos. The rugs are magnificent.

  17. I'm fascinated! I'd love to have a go a weaving......but I think hubby would draw the line at me wanting to cram a loom into my workspace! ;-p

  18. I don't know what happened to my previous lengthy message. However, I read your previous post also as i somehow missed it. I have always wanted to learn to weave! I think it is great that you all pitched in and helped her straighten things out. I love the last Navajo rug. The colors are amazing! Also thank you for your comment today. It meant a lot. :)

  19. Great work organizing. The only thing I know about a rug is they need cleaning once in awhile and sweeping stuff under them doesn't work out.

  20. You've got some great grandkids there helping to bring about order so Linda could work. Love seeing the looms and the effort.

  21. You all did a very good deed for the day, helping get things sorted and back on track. Linda's work is beautiful.
