
Friday, March 21, 2014

Yesterday was not the first day of spring because we have not had the last day of winter

I heard equipment in the yard this morning, and looked out.

I went outdoors to take these pictures.

The township was down to about twenty five tons of salt.
I see there will be a salt receiver on my desk on Monday morning
And a salt invoice in my inbox.

See that mound of fill dirt behind the red truck on the right.
Home of the pumpkins last year.
Oh, well.

An amusing evening I couldn't capture:
Laura, working on her fashion designs.
Look at the toe.

When she lifted her head to inspect the work,
The toe came up.
When she settled back into her project,
The toe clenched.
I could not capture the latter.


  1. Oh goodness. I have heard from friends in the Northern parts of the US that their winter doesn't seem to be ending. I do hope you see some signs of nature being alive soon!

  2. That can't be snow, it's Spring, it must be pollen.

  3. Snow does not respect the coming of Spring. I like the toe. It must help her work.


  4. Our town does not use salt because it kills crops. The crops seem to die every year because of some natural disaster...drought, frost, excessive cold. I say bring on the salt.

  5. I like the cool toe movements. If it's any consolation we had our Spring last week - it's gone perishing cold and windy again here.

  6. So sorry for all the rotten weather where you are. You've received much more that your share. As for salt, it's not used here because it's usually so cold it won't do much good. So the road crews use what they call sand. There may be a little sand in it but it's mostly pea gravel. Does wonders for windshields and auto bodies. Raising a toe to good weather for you!

  7. We still have some reminders of winter, but nothing like yours. So sorry.
    It is so cute that some one as young as Laura is into designing. I find it fascinating how one can take material and make nice garments out of them. I wish her a bright future.

  8. Hari OM
    It's digging it's heels in this side too - but nothing quite like that. Pumpkins seem a long time ago!! YAM xx

  9. Funny looking spring, does all that salt affect the soil I often wondered.

  10. We're forecasted for snow the next three days, with the low tomorrow being 3.

    What's a 'capper', and how do you use one up?? (re your comment on my blog)

  11. The positive thing about all this snow is that there won't be a drought here this summer.

    I understand the toes up as that is very comfortable.

  12. I'm done with winter. I am def a sun baby! Anyway, I hope you get son soon. I love the toes. So stinking cute!

  13. My the winter doth go on in Ohio -- interested in what the weather will bring to you this summer. -- barbara

  14. Your photos are beautiful, Joanne. Guess what? We, here in Montreal, are expected to get some snow tomorrow...15 centimeters or so of it, and then it is supposed to get really cold on Sunday.

  15. I agree with the good point you make about spring. Mother Nature only follows the calendar in an approximate way. Maybe her calendar got covered in snow.

  16. We're in the same mess weather wise.....I feel your pain.

  17. Oh dear. It will come. Soon.
    And the toe reminded me of my partner, who beats time to music only he can hear with his thumb.

  18. None of us mourned the loss of winter why did someone resuscitate it?
    Jane x

  19. Spring has arrived in eastern Oregon. It was sunny today and our first daffodil has bloomed!

  20. I saw a report on AOL today about how this past winter's weather wrecked havoc on cities' budgets with snow removal; I'm sure no one budgeted for how hard this winter was! I also saw that the city we used to live in when we were in Montana had snow today; I guess no spring for them either!


  21. Oh your winter goes on & on....

  22. Yuck, I hate snow and cold weather, but there often is some of that on the volcanoes here. Not right now, though.

  23. Maybe that's not snow..... just lamb's wool as March is almost over. I sure hope it's done snowing by the time we get to Ohio in May!

  24. I know March came in like a lion. It has a little over a week before its time is up and it turns into the lamb the old saying promises.

  25. I would be insane by now if I lived up there.

  26. I got the first gander at my street yesterday and I have the biggest of the big potholes right at the end of my drive. I am sure it will soon be covered in snow again.

  27. We keep getting the snow, too, Joanne, but in between the weather is starting to moderate - I hope yours does, soon, too.

  28. I continue to be amazed at the amount of snow that has fell in your area. This must be creating a huge expense for your local government with over time and salt use. I will keep my fingers crossed that you have seen your last snowfall. -- barbara

  29. Snow is still falling?
    You must be getting desperate for a bit of spring warmth by now. I know I would be.
    I used to see that same toe curling concentration on my youngest when he was learning to feed himself.

  30. We had a spell of three near perfect Spring days and now we are back in the deep freeze again. It takes the wind out of my sails....
