
Saturday, March 8, 2014

While we wait for the snow to melt...

This weather is less acceptable, daily.
This is not a black and white photo, according to the yellow parking space lines!
Today is Saturday, it's pouring down snow at three in the afternoon.

And another winter storm forecast for Wednesday.
I have solved a longstanding problem of mine.
What to do with the box of tissues in my car.

My glove box.

Inside my glove box. The usual, the manual, my registration and insurance card.
What is that container on top, you ask?
The refrigerator! Not kidding!
Seventy one years old and technology is coming at me from all over my new car.
A phone in the radio, a refrigerator in the glove box.
Be still my heart.

Ignore the sorry condition of the box; it has been kicked all over this car.
Then it came to me, as we drove along.
"Emily, see if the tissues fit in the refrigerator."
They do.


  1. Our glove box in our little Scion isn't shaped like that... it has a long space for the manual, etc... but on the left side it has a separate area... maybe 2" wide. I've never figured out what that's for. Bill stuffs the phone charger in there... it pretty much fits. But I'd be curious what those folks who design things are thinking... or if they ever use what they design? As for the snow... enough's enough!

  2. Is that where you keep the drinks cold on long trips, not the beer of course but the soft drinks.

  3. Hari OM
    hehehe, cool kerchiefs. And why not. YAM xx

  4. It seems that I used to be able to take the cold better than I have in the last year or so. Perhaps, as I get older, it affects me more than it used to.

  5. A refrigerator! Be still my heart.

    We almost hit 60 today, I think Winter is breaking in NJ though I don't expect it to go out without a fight.

  6. A refrigerator!!! I am NOT going to tell the skinny one about the possibility.

  7. That first photo looks AWFULLY familiar...

    1. The trail along Virginia Kendall Lake is the header, the VKL parking lot.

  8. We've come a long way since cars weren't heated and didn't have seat belts! A car refrigerator wouldn't get much use right now.
    Jane x

  9. I feel sorry for my poor little glove compartment of my Toyota. My husband would love a car refrigerator any time of the year. LOL

  10. Thinking outside the box ... LOL ... maybe in the summer you can actually use it to keep your water cold :)

  11. I, too, am thinking that this weather is unacceptable in March. I want softer breezes and just a sniff of cool (not icy) air flowing up my nostrils. I want to feel a little too warm in my wool coat. And I am done with boots. Done with them!

    What I want really, really badly now is a fridge in my car. Seriously.

  12. There is just no rest for the weary for you guys with the weather and the relentless snow. This year is definitely going down in the history books for the cold and the amount of snow you guys have gotten. (and we based in 80 plus degrees today, which is a shame because we're in the midst of a drought).

    Wow a fridge in the car; is that cool or what? I think it is an appropriate place for the box of Kleenex :)


  13. No fridge in my glove box...sigh...and the kleenex box keeps flyng off the dash at whoever is in the passenger seat. There is a lot of technology in our car that doesn't get used.

  14. Dear Jane,
    your weather is really running riot this year - snow now! (Decency forbids to speak of the temperature in Berlin today...)
    Your idea with the refrigerator in the car appeals to me - I love room that is used usefully (though you could have put some snowballs into it, as proof for the incredible...)

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Sorry - I was barking up the wrong tree - I located your home in GB - see: sleep deprivation :-)

  17. Joanne, a refrigerator is not the 'must-have' you really, really want at this particular moment in time. Hope the snow goes away and the sun shines soon for you. We've had a lovely day here so sending you some of ours.

  18. I must admit, I have never ever put anything in the glove box. And yes, that is what it is still called on the plant floor. Hilarious.

  19. I do hope your snow goes soon, Joanne. I thought it was going to be a happy post about the snow disappearing, for some reason. You must feel so fed up at the idea that more could be on the way. A fridge is the last thing you need right now!!

  20. A fridge. In a glove box. wow.
    What will they think of next?
    I suppose it would be handy for keeping cans of soft drink cool on long trips and baby formula too.
    For others, not you, you don't need baby formula.
    Even medicines that need to be kept cool, if you're travelling across the country and taking three months to do it.
    Love the new header.

  21. Good gracious, a refrigerator in your car. Looking at your picture of the road, it would appear to be redundant.

  22. Haha. That's so cute!

  23. Sending you some of our recent sunshine x

  24. Just in case you want to keep your beer cool in the car?

  25. Now I've seen everything, a refrigerator in the glove box.

  26. The glove box? Duh..have been thinking of making you something to keep the kleenix secure..Is this a refig like the oven was the bread box on our sailboat??
