
Thursday, March 13, 2014

The pain of it all

Two sessions a week with Carly are kicking my butt!

Three fifteen step staircases to the loft studio, five minutes on the treadmill and then she puts me through the paces. Tuesdays and Thursdays I come home so tired I almost forget to go back out for Hamilton after school.

We’re proud of me; her hard work is paying off. She’s quietly removed everything I could touch for balance these last couple of months; all I have now is a stupid wooden dowel to hold with both hands. Like Fred Astaire, sans foot work. I’m thinking how to take a picture of the studio.

Yesterday was another day of snow and wind, today was cold with blazing sunshine. Today was so lovely I took my camera to the studio, intending to take some pictures on the way home. As usual, my arms had no intention of raising my camera to eye level.

Somewhere between crunches and presses an icicle crashed from the roof to I don’t know where. I stopped for a picture with my phone.


  1. Good for you! It sounds like all your hard work is paying off.

  2. I was going to say that, too. Good for you!

  3. Wow, wow and wow. And congratulations again.
    Love those icicles - though they look dangerous. I am sure I have read murder mysteries where the weapon melted...

  4. Great picture of the icicles! Sorry winter came back though; hope it doesn't stay around too long! Good for you for keeping up with Carly; the hard work will definitely pay off!


  5. The icicles are gorgeous! They look like stacked rings. I always thought icicles were smooth..
    Well done on the exercises; I know how tiring it is to start doing such things after many years not.

  6. Just thinking about all that exercise makes me tired, let alone doing it.

  7. Keep it up! Sounds like your girl is whipping you into shape. I train people also.. I sometimes here them mumbling that they hate me. I laugh and say "Good then I am doing my job!"

  8. Determination is what makes physical rehab work, good goin'. It's warmed up to a balmy 18f here this morning.

  9. I find dancing the hula to be beneficial for my memory and body. It's good that you are exercising, too.

  10. Good on ya, Joanne. You are an inspiration. I need to get out walking, as soon as this bronchial cough simmers down a bit more, and before it gets too hot (hard to imagine these days!).

  11. good for you!!! gorgeous pic too :)

  12. I'm sure, you are benefiting from all this tough work. Your past postings give me the idea that you are a very tough person. But relaxing is nice too. All the best.

  13. Well done! Movement is so good for the body - and when one isn't in the mood, it is good to remind oneself of that. I put little 'stars' in different colours into my diary: for body, brain, soul - and housework :-) It feels good to paste them into the calendar each day.

  14. Getting started and going is always rough, but it does get easier as time goes on.

  15. Hari OM
    Putting this little bird to shame, you old chook!! I can barely manage a bag of shopping up the stairs. Those icicles are something else - YAM xx

  16. If I had any kind of personal trainer, she would be wise not to put anything in my hands with which I could beat her into oblivion.
    But who are we kidding, here? As if I'd ever think about exercising in front of another human being...

    Kudos to you, though.

  17. I worked out with a trainer for about 7 years. it was my solution to osteoporosis instead of meds. she wore me out every time and I loved how I felt and looked. once I could no longer afford her and we moved to the gym I returned to my un-buff state. there's a gym here which I have joined but have not been able to go on my own with any kind of regularity. of course, working in the city three days a week and one day at the antique store doesn't leave me much time for workouts.
