
Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Last hurrah and a card carrying pair

Yesterday's cataract surgery was uneventful; in at nine, home at one. After my missing breakfast and a long nap  I was ready for supper and bed.

Returning this morning for the unveiling seemed another matter. We had one more round of snow, starting about nine last night.  Six inches, ending no later than one or two in the morning, could not forestall the call these children have come to hate: School is Cancelled, due to deteriorating conditions.

It only looks bad; our road is plowed. It is eminently clear; the state awarded five extra snow days, and this district intends to take them.

The driver and the passenger with the tea strainer eye (blue this time) left early, just in case the school really had better intelligence than the local traffic report. We were thirty minutes early for the appointment, and I was seen immediately. They were happy for a patient to take up the slack.

We were driving home about the time I was scheduled to be seen. I am a registered, card carrying cataract lens replacement person, with wrap around sun glasses I am happy to have. It's bright out there.

I am totally convinced my camera's fall did more than break the flash; its lens suffered too. Focus is simply gone! I researched the internet; it's a not infrequent by-product of not using the wrist strap.

Dodd Camera can expect me around lunch time tomorrow.


  1. I am glad that your surgery went fine.
    We have snow too today. Waiting for it to stop so I can shovel.
    I hope that they replace or fix your camera. Good Luck.

  2. So glad your surgeries are all get that camera fixed and ALL your lenses will be in good repair.

  3. Always a treat to visit a camera store. Usually there are some knowledgeable folks to wait on you. I have a couple of Canons that work great for me. But whatever kind you get I know you'll surely enjoy it. Oh, I use my long camera strap for a wrist strap -- just wind it a few time around you wrist -- fast and easy.

  4. Good your eyes are healing and working well.
    The bright sun on that white snow is blinding for anyone's eyes. all the best

  5. I'm guessing the world is a brighter place all round!
    Jane x

  6. I am so glad that your surgeries are done. Here is to a brighter future - and the sunglasses to protect you.

  7. Lenses and lenses...God giveth and now taketh away, for a while.

  8. Dear Joanne, I'm glad for you that the operations went well. I do so hope you will be assiduous about putting in those drops for the next few weeks. They're essential or so the eye doctor said to me after I had both eyes done. Peace.

  9. I am also glad it went well. Take care of yourself.

  10. Hope the recovery is swift & uneventful, Joanne - just keep to the regime of administering your prescribed drops. I'm just at the start of cataracts, according to my optician - oh, joy....

  11. Glad to hear your second surgery went without a hitch. Here's to restored eyesight.

  12. I'm glad you can see. I wonder if the state of Michigan will give us additional days. We haven't heard anything so far. We are still at seven.

  13. Stories like yours are helpful in taking some of the fear out of the future for us who have been told to expect cataract surgery. Thanks also for the reminder of what happens when one gets sloppy about carrying around a camera--which I do all the time. Here's to looking good!

  14. Sorry about the camera, but glad surgery went well!


  15. Glad your surgery went well. It is the same kind my mother needs but trying to get it done in another city when the weather is so horrid is not really an option. It will be awhile yet before I act on this for her. I hope her surgery turns out well as yours. I hope you can see much better too.

  16. Soon you will be a bionic woman and more power to you..Just be careful, do what the doctor tells you and be kind to yourself..Proud of you.

  17. Soon you will be a bionic woman and more power to you..Just be careful, do what the doctor tells you and be kind to yourself..Proud of you.

  18. Glad the surgery went well. Always use the wrist strap for your camera.

  19. So glad you appointment went well. Joe lived for the words " School's cancelled " !

  20. Keep away from those blinding lights for some time (especially reflected light)

  21. Glad to hear your surgery is a success! I'm still getting used to the fact that I can see without glasses!

  22. Hari OM
    Glasses for the snow blindness. That's a good thing I am thinking. Congrats on that. Sorry to hear of camera damage. Hope it's mendable. YAM xx

  23. I'm so glad to hear the surgery went well. And as for snow days, my kids have also come to realize there can be too much of a good thing!

  24. Well, at least it is a thing of the past now and so hopefully no more worries eye wise. I'm happy to hear the second surgery went so well also.
    It seems like you guys have had snow forever.

  25. Joanne, I am so happy that your surgery was a success!

  26. Hurrah! Eyes all done and new camera on the To Do list :)

  27. WOW, I remember Dodd Camera in Mentor..They did my first professional slide shoot and not a bad job at it..
