
Thursday, February 20, 2014

Emily Redux

Emily believes I have frightened too many people,
with her STEM project on arsenic.
and should write a short paragraph on 
arsenic as a naturally occurring element.
Excellent, I said. Give it to me in Word and 
you can make minds rest easy.

Over the weekend Emily also decided it was time
to send the golden locks to a new home.

And so she did.

I mailed her pony tail to Locks of Love
when I went back to work yesterday.


  1. That hair will make a fine wig for someone who needs it.

  2. Oh, that's nice. I've donated to Locks of Love a few times, and it's such a good feeling. I bet she enjoys her short hair. She certainly looks beautiful.


  3. Congratulations (on both fronts) to the beautiful Emily. And I don't think we have Locks of Love here - it is a brilliant idea.

  4. Arsenic in the water in rice producing areas of Costa Rica is a public scandal...suddenly addressed in election year....

  5. A girl to a woman, in one snip.
    Jane x


  6. Glad to hear that arsenic is naturally occurring and we all won't be in trouble. The word ARSENIC sure caught my eye in your last post. Maybe she can learn something about marketing too in her experiment. Her smile is so beautiful. -- barbara

  7. So nice of her to be concerned about us.....I was really wondering whether I should eat rice again. And what a lovely gift of hair she made to someone who needs it badly.

  8. I am still seriously worried about rice and so I rinse it a few times before cooking it. Even if arsenic is naturally occurring too much is not a good thing for you.
    Her hair is gorgeous! Darn near everyone looks better with short/shorter hair.

  9. I wasn't concerned about the arsenic, I know it isn't going to harm me unless I eat it by the spoonful (or something like that)
    Very nice of Emily to donate her ponytail. I had a friend in grade seven who did a similar thing with her very thick, waist length plaits, she came to school in the final week of the year with hair shorter than Emily's, such a change! She'd sole them to a wig maker. This was 1964.

  10. wonderful, someone else like Jess will benefit from Emily's locks . What a great girl.

  11. Emily sounds like a wonderful girl. I know someone will truly appreciate her locks.

  12. Great cut and a beautiful girl -- inside and out!

  13. I would be very proud of Emily. God bless her!
    I hope that you are feeling fine.

  14. What a girl to be proud of! My granddaughters also gave their hair to "Locks of Love"... I'm so proud of them all!

  15. What a sweet thing for Emily to do to grow out her hair for Locks of Love; I do like her in shorter hair!


  16. I love her new look ... and her generosity.

  17. Good for Emily! My daughter is planning to do that too. I love Emily's new haircut. Would you believe I'm trying to convince my nephew to do the same thing. His hair is even longer than Emily's was. Seriously.
