
Tuesday, January 28, 2014

What I saw at the office this morning

Actually, before I turned off my street

I only set out that early because of the auditors.
The only other car in the lot, but I didn't turn back to take a photo until I was safely inside.
Damn cold to be out!

I went down to Pam's office to say "Cool Mohawk."

Her winter shoes are
Hippopotamus slippers.

I said "Cool Mohawk."
"Actually, it's a Snowhawk!'

I understand it was magnificent when it was sculpted over the weekend,
trailing down the back window.

I had no trouble "getting it" this morning.
I even took a close up on my way home.


  1. The only thing I saw on the way home this afternoon, was a lady in her car, planted hood first in a ditch.
    I stopped, she was OK, had a phone but was firmly stuck. It's definitely winter.
    Jane x

  2. Hi Joanne. I've seen you around, so I stopped by a few days ago. Guess what. I went to HHS (back then it was the Jr. High), and I was in the band. 1983 grad. Back then, the district was called Hudson Local Schools. I've only been back for my tenth reunion. I just started a new blog today, deleted the old one.

    1. The teachers are first rate. There's a lot of money there...Don't think I could afford to live there now. live in Michigan now. I understand where you are coming from. Back in my day the band director was a bit of a perv. Ha. I won't mention names.

  3. These Hippopotamus must be missing Africa.

  4. That's cold. I'm cold here in relatively warm Florida.


  5. That's -26 in C, which is freakin' cold any way you measure it.

    At first I thought you were snorting that wicked cocaine, talking about mohawks and snowhawks and such. Then I saw your last photo. Thank god... I was afraid I was going to have to send you the fellows in the white jackets. :)

  6. Love the mohawk. Nice to see someone branching out from the standard snowman.

  7. I'd laugh heartily... except.. anything below 80 degrees is too damned cold for me.. AND... you wouldn't believe the haircut from hell I got a couple of weeks ago.. makes that car look like Vidal Sasoon or someone did the "do".

  8. Good thing you were not behind the snow-hawk when it flies off the roof. It's really just too cold.

  9. Wow it takes a long time for punk to get recognised chez vous.

  10. Temps that cold take your breath away! Those are cool looking slippers!

    Hoping for a warm up soon!


  11. I was complaint today about the cold and it's not even close to your temps. We're supposed to have rain tonight...probably turn in to freezing rain.

  12. Oh my gracious! I don't think it ever got that cold in Illinois when we lived there... Except when you factored in the wind chill.

  13. That's a good looking Snowhawk there, very stylish.
    -16F is a tad too cold for me. I like the hippopotamus slippers.

  14. Hari Om
    Cripes!!! (and like Cathy O-W, I was a bit slow on the reference till the last photo! Thank goodness you cleared that up. Not the snow. The confusion.... oh never mind, think my brain's frozen. Finally got a zero temp here in Edinburgh!) YAM xx

  15. ooh so cold shiver shiver ( we have more rain cast )

  16. Schools are closing here too because of the cold. It's been the oddest year. Barely any snow, but sooo cold. I worry for all of my plants that usually enjoy snow cover all Winter and not prone to weeks of -20 degree weather. Be careful out there.

  17. We've stayed off the road the last few of accidents on the news were enough excitement for us.

  18. I don't miss those temperatures -- not one teensy weensy bit!

  19. Do you all have car heaters? How does your car operate in such low temperatures? Here, in the summer, we must be careful to not overheat our cars or the tires on the hot asphalt.

  20. And we're grumbling over here about our piddly bit of rain .... -16 degrees inside the car is not funny, wrap up warm.

  21. Good humor gets us through these arctic days. Love the snowhawk and the hippo shoes.

  22. I can't wait to borrow that term. I've seen a whole lot of unintentional snowhawks around here the last few weeks!

  23. The cars look "lonely" in the parking lot.
