
Friday, January 3, 2014

Storm is over

I went to work yesterday afternoon, after Tom cleared the drive.
My road was rough, the county roads were rough.
The state highway through Peninsula was passable.
There was surprising little traffic on the steep hill down into the valley and back up to the town hall.

Snow in the courtyard yesterday:

I was going to work yesterday come hell or high snow.
The accounting close manual ran over a hundred pages this year.
Unlike previous years, there were no bold headings and check boxes.
I read and reread to see what applied to me.

The snow was relentless.
Several more inches overnight last night and it kept snowing today.

The snow on the wall was two bricks high yesterday 
and three bricks high today..

I soldiered on. I closed the year.
Tomorrow I'll sort out all the reports, collate the W-2's, get tax reports ready,
Enter the 2014 revenue and appropriations....

Too much information, I know.

The sun was out when I left at one this afternoon.


  1. Wow! A huge polo mint? (Do you get those in the US? The "mint with the hole?")

    1. Of course it has a story. The committee that runs the building was so excited to use the "grinding stone" for a bench. Every fool knows it was a cistern cover. And a Life Saver every winter.

  2. You got much more snow than we did. We are supposed to get 6 to 10" again on Sunday. It is just so cold and next week will be highs of single digits. Yuck.

  3. Good for you. Great way to start the new year...overcoming obstacles and closing out the old year.

  4. I'm glad you now have sunny skies. I hope it's not too cold though.

  5. That building of yours is looking bee-uu-ti-ful. Especially with that giant sugar doughnut on the patio.... which cracks me up, of course, because I recently saw this rant by a weather dude who complains about everyone taking photos of patio furniture when they're covered in snow! Have a look - you'll giggle.

  6. Joanne, that looks a lot of snow. We're soggy and saturated here with more storms apparently to come again in the next few days.

  7. I retired in 1997.... and have never regretted leaving that job... BUT... your post today made me sigh a big sigh... I was payroll/accounts payable manager of a small hospital... I LOVED year-end.. loved the W-2s, the 1099s, the year-end reports to all the govt agencies.... just absolutely loved reconciling the year-end. Don't ever want to go back to that life... but... ahhhhh... I love reading your post and bringing back those memories.

  8. It all looks so white and clean and so cool.

  9. We finally had a sunny day today. sort of sunny yesterday. cold in the shade and wind, nice in the sun. best of all? no snow.

  10. You are a force to be reckoned with. Good on ya for getting the year end out of the way and done.

    The building looks marvellous in the snowy wonderland.

  11. Oh wow. From this perspective it is crisp, and clean, and beautiful. Thank you.

  12. Wow! That is a lot of snow in a short while. I hope it stops and you get some nice weather soon.

  13. You are a trooper and I am sure a valued employee! The snow was beautiful was the sun came out. -- barbara

  14. Good luck with all those forms and papers. Your boss should give you some kind of a bonus for plowing through all the snow just so you could plow through that project. The new roof looks super even under the snow. Best wishes!

  15. My gosh, look at all that snow! It looks pretty, unless one has to drive in it, like you had to. I hope your employer appreciates your efforts to get into work to take care of the things that you did!


  16. The snow looks so NEAT, like someone brushed the edges tidy.
    Nice to get the accounts all squared away with time to spare.

  17. A Happy New Year. Let us hope that we can continue to share thoughts and views throughout the coming year - although I would not complain too much if we no longer shared weather systems!

  18. Hari Om
    It does look beautiful, but no question it wreaks havoc now that we are such a mobile society... oh completion of tasks; feel good stuff!! YAM xx

  19. Rather beautiful but must be difficult to cope with. It just rains & rains here with more gales & hundreds of fences down all over the village including ours.

  20. It looks like we may get snow here on Sunday night or monday. We don't get it that often so it will be interesting.

  21. That's some snow! Joanne, I just wanted to tell you that your kohlrabi comment on my blog made me laugh out loud.

  22. I hate snow and ice, as you learned from my blog. Lol.
    I am not an accountant, so I cannot imagine doing what you do.

  23. I hope it stopped snowing. You seem to have had quite a bit.

  24. Watching the weather station makes me shiver. Heavy snow, hard winds...

  25. Your pictures are sooo good. Thanks for sharing.
    Keep warm though. Please don't take chance.

  26. There's an extraordinary perfection in the way snow piles precisely.

  27. I just shovel too much snow off the driveway today. The snow break will come with a huge drop in temperature. A heat wave break would be nice. Winter could be limited to one week and I would be happy.
    Good that you got all those numbers sorted out.
