
Monday, January 20, 2014


I thought it would be a black eye patch,
Not a tea strainer

Glasses to see from the other eye
Out of the question.

Tomorrow, I understand,
I'll be a new person.


  1. LOL!!!!! I could have TOLD you you'd get a tea strainer! You look like some strange and wonderful bug! Awww, poor Joanne... hope your operation went well ... you WILL be a new person tomorrow... meanwhile, have some tea!!!! oxox

  2. Yay - new eyes tomorrow (I've got an appointment to see the optician tomorrow - hope I get a free tea strainer) My eyes are not good either.

  3. Did you have cataract surgery. If so, you will definitely be better tomorrow and even better next week. The world will look much brighter to you and that is a good thing.

  4. Cathy, Joanne can not have tea, the strainer is on her eye! She can have some rum though and pretend she is a pirate... Tomorrow the fun will be over. Hugs

  5. Sounds crappy and I feel bad for you. Feel better.

  6. Is that called 'eye strain'? (baddaboom!)
    Jane x

  7. Aaagh. They don't do the tea-strainer thing here. But yes, it will be better. Soon.

  8. Okay... that thing looks familiar... uh huh.... cataract surgery. The beauty of it all is... the clarity... the colors.... heck even the numbers... will look SO much clearer... no halos... no fuzziness... You are gonna be SO happy! Best Wishes!

  9. Ooooh....pretty.... Never mind. It will all be worth it.

  10. Does look like an interesting fashion statement :) But in reality, its a good thing; just follow all the doctor's instructions :)


  11. Gracious! I've never seen anything like this. So this is what we have to look forward to?

  12. Your world is about to become so much more colourful! Best wishes. x

  13. It's a long day, though, isn't it, when you can't see, can't read, can't watch TV, can't drive, can't do anything much except talk and listen!! Heal quickly.

  14. Hari OM
    Strewth, what a strain... I too have never seen such an arrangement. Presumably to allow the 'wound' to breath. But as you've been told so many times before, it'll be worth it!! YAM xx

  15. Perhaps the tea strainer helps the area to breathe better for faster healing?

  16. I thought it was a joke, then I read the above comments and realized you'd had cataract surgery. Hope you heal soon.

  17. Looks like everyone covered the bug and pirate jokes. It does look quite large.

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