
Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Sunshine is everything

I went out after lunch, with my camera, hoping to catch the sunshine peeping through.
I wanted another picture of the willow's bronze leaves, especially with the half circle of ground underneath covered with the fallen leaves.
Well, the tree is bronze, but there is no sunshine and the Canada geese have pretty much scarfed down the leaves.
Unless the deer have been at them. The geese were just there to blame.

Just to compare, a couple of days ago. Nothing like sunshine.

It was a grey day in town, too. I had the pick of the street for parking.
I've wanted a picture of this bicycle, although preferably on a bright, bright, sunshiny day.
However, I could not beat the parking, so I parked.

There is a new shop in town, just past the red door.
It's been open since late summer, but my good intentions never took me in.

Eclectic is too common a descriptor for this scene.
A child's sled, a hand, a skull, headless, vintage, bottles and sashes.... 

So, I went in.

Now I'm probably out of words for a bit, so just have a peek...

I got quite close to the floor to capture these busts.

I left with (with a shopping bag), 
and turned around for a picture of the door.
I met the owner, a native returned to town from a stint in Chicago.
Chicago is where she rescued the Blue Eyed Dog,
which I met.

More schatzke on my way out.
But it may be in gardens all over town next summer.
No web page, but a Facebook page:

Good luck, Elizabeth


  1. Oh, my! Something for EVERYONE in that store.

  2. I had to take a closer look at that Christmas tree and the snowmen. I'm somewhat addicted to snowmen.

  3. I love the bicycle and the head-like planters.

  4. This was sure a lot of fun! Thanks for taking us for a stroll through that store. I don't recall ever seeing anything like it.

  5. Oh, the button tree, the boat and the longjohns!!
    Great store!
    Jane x

  6. My kind of shop! Kinda reminds me of stores in my hometown of Athens... just funky enough to be quite interesting. Hope it survives... so many of the "indy"s just can't compete.

  7. Eclectic, indeed! It is one of those stores where the shopper has to edge by the shelves and kneel down so as not to miss some hidden treasure. Best kind of stores! Thanks.

  8. You have to wonder why they left Chicago and where did the skull come from.

  9. What fun. Quirky. A shop I would love to wander through - and I don't say that often.

  10. EC took the words out of my mouth :)

  11. Hari Om
    It would be impossible to visit and not find SOMEthing to take out!!! I have a moment of amazement though... having visited my father's home yesterday for the first time since arriving back in Scotland, he had in his window a plant with which I am unfamiliar and asked if it was a purple shamrock. "no" says he "'tis a triangle plant".

    Okay. Then next thing I know it turns up here!!!!! That one in the middle head... YAM xx

  12. I'd like a mooch around that shop. Those child heads are rather scary !

  13. Oh that store! I could browse in there for hours and hours.
    Love the old bike.

  14. What a cool place to visit!

  15. I think I would have enjoyed being in that store; lots of things to see, probably wouldn't have bought anything, but would have liked to see all that was there. I hope she does well with it!


  16. a good collection of odd stuff - I think I resemble that phrase

  17. Great old door -- nice photo of it. Looks like some wonderful vintage homes around your neck of the woods -- barbara
