
Sunday, December 22, 2013

Just sprinkling now

FORECAST: Rain off and on today. Flood warnings continue.

This is the lower lake at the golf course. The trees belong on dry ground, as does the little sign.

The water running from the lake, across the drive of the golf course.

The water is flowing from right to left of the picture. I do not know what causes the back rill.

The water is flowing down to a creek that runs into the Cuyahoga River.

This path goes under the road, from the main golf course to a smaller green and club house.

Golfers can walk or drive a cart from one side to the other.

As close as I would come. Note the rope to warn off would be pedestrians. As if.

The tree, back on the high end of the golf course.

This lake is not over its banks.

 I do not know, but I will guess the overflow from this lake to the lower lake is open.

If this lake leaves its banks, it crosses two roads to go down to the river.

That would not please the county engineer.

The tree, a little further up the road.

I did not realize it had a bald spot.

I almost said "she." 

I know I like it, but anthropomorphically?

Further along.

I believe I'll stick with the full frontal views.


  1. Well it's going to be a green Christmas out your way.

    1. Actually, it will crash from the sixties to the teens and snow overnight.

  2. Did I see a couple of patches of snow under trees in that 2nd picture? Your photos look more like March than December. Oh yes, now I remember... you're in Ohio ;-)

    1. Yes, a couple of patches left from the several inches that fell this week. The melt is contributing to the flooding. It's not like we don't go through this once a year, but generally in March.

  3. HOpe it gets more Christmassy soon! I think snow is nicer than flood warnings, even though objectively, neither is that great :). Have a lovely Christmas holiday season and a bright 2014. I've enjoyed your posts throughout the year.

  4. You are fortunate in a way as you are not far from Ontario where all this rain froze up as it fell bringing down trees and power lines.

  5. I do hope the water levels recede soon (no floods) and that you get some of the white stuff. Merry Christmas.

  6. Oh my. Stay safe. And dry. And send some of that wet stuff to us.

  7. The weather is all wrong... where they desperately need rain there is none......

  8. rain? what happened to all your snow?

  9. it's raining cats and dogs here too, that is lot of water where you are though, hope there isn't too much damage

  10. We've had heavy rain and gales too. The brook is flooded across the road - more storms forecast for tomorrow - so it looks as if we might be hunkered in for Christmas as well. Keep safe, warm and dry and enjoy your Christmas like we will.

  11. Hari OM
    EEEEKKKKK - there has been flooding in parts of Scotland too - and I saw my first flakes of snow here in Edinburgh today. Nothing but a flurry though. As for the tree - 'she' definitely gets a bit unkempt on the hind side.....! YAM xx

  12. It has been raining and is very depressing. Believe it or not the mall seems like a retreat.
    The pics are done very nicely.

  13. That looks decidedly depressing....I do hope that things pick up soon in weather terms.

  14. It's melting here with the heat we would be happy with your rain please send some.

  15. I think I would wait til summer to play that course.

  16. Rainy, sunny, windy, snowy, no matter what, I wish you and your wonderful family a very Merry Christmas and all the best for the new year, Joanne.

  17. Oh Oh -- not good to have run-off from the golf course into the river. Lots of nasty chemicals from the golf course that is toxic to its ecology as well as the water supply to humans. Don't mean to dampen the concern of all -- barbara

  18. Love that photo of the water with the back rill and had to giggle at a tree with a bald spot, although I see what you meant. I often call trees "she" too.

  19. Flooding, not good!!!

    Merry Christmas. :)

  20. Yikes! That is a lot of water. I hope it doesn't cause too many problems.
