
Saturday, December 7, 2013

Art and Whimsey

I stopped at Steve and Deb Bures' Elements Gallery yesterday, only to chat and have a 360 degree look around.  Some pictures for folks who like nice things. I intended another look at the mouse door, and friends in the gallery began pointing out all the whimsy their daughter Aytch (as in H as in Hanna. She's a young artist!) has installed. So, some whimsy first--

You will see him later. Keep an eye out.

Over Aytch's work table. And beside.

Our old friend the mouse door. Looks quite heavily trafficked since last time.

Another sort of whimsy. Hand turned ornaments.

We're not in the main room yet...

Still not yet...



Actually, I didn't take enough pictures in here.
Oh, well...
Don't overlook the angel fish.

Back out front...

So many skilled artisans and artists.

A park ranger was wandering around, too, while I was in there. Probably to keep warm. As he left, I heard a another elf story. 

Elements Gallery is right across the street from the train station, the current North Pole. When the town was involved, the North Pole was way down at the end of Mill Street. Customers in the gallery were leaving as the Polar Express stopped and the elves began performing. A ranger hurried up the gallery steps and shooed everyone back into the gallery. They couldn't leave until the performance was over.

Deb let them out the back door, with cookies. The customers had to thread through the elf edge, but escaped unharmed. As soon as the performance ended, Deb had elves in the shop. "Is this where we get the cookies?" The town still knows how to keep the holidays.


  1. Elves and cookies....made for each other. This is a beautiful shop.

  2. What an interesting gallery. The choice is really great.

  3. That shop SO reminds me of shops in Athens... except I think yours is much bigger and nicer!

  4. What a brilliant gallery. And I love, love, love the sign on the blackboard.

  5. love the whimsy of the place and lots of wonderful art work too.

  6. Lots of great things in that shop, I do like the mouse door and cookies you can't get better.

  7. What a fascinating place to live. I wish I lived closer so I could visit that wonderful shop!

  8. I want to be rich...I want to spend my money in that store.
    Jane x

  9. Beautiful wares and a warm welcome - a good combination. I can't believe the ranger wouldn't let people out of the gallery until the "show" was done!

  10. I like the role Deb played so the people could see the perfomance. Shame on the park ranger for what he did.

    That is such a neat shop; lots of great things to look at!


  11. I LOVE that shop, so much whimsy! The cat peeping over the green door, all the hanging ornaments, everything really.
    Elves and cookies are a match made in...the North Pole.
