
Friday, October 18, 2013

Plays a Sharpie well, too

I checked Emily’s band grade. It’s still one hundred.

Not bad, considering her flute has been riding in the trunk of our carpooling father's car between the end of last Friday night’s game and the end of Wednesday night band practice.

Emily thought she put it in her band uniform bag. A search Monday morning, to no avail.

Grandma would never have known, except one of those dratted siblings spilled the beans.

Grandma was amused. At supper Monday I asked “How did band practice go today?”

Emily glanced around. “Fine.”

“What did you play?”

“………………..a Sharpie.”


“A Sharpie. I fingered along on a Sharpie.”

Ginny, the flute, came home with Emily Wednesday night, after band practice. There had been hope of getting it sooner, but all Emily’s attempts to get other folks involved fizzled.

So, Emily sat in the band room with possibly the best high school marching band director in Ohio on Monday, on Tuesday and on Wednesday, playing a Sharpie. She marched the routines Wednesday night, from six to nine, with the band director looking down from twenty feet in the air, playing a Sharpie. Her band grade is still one hundred.

“So, how do you play a Sharpie,” I asked at supper.

“I hold it high and finger it well.”

“It helps she’s short,” Hamilton added.

“Maybe they think you’re a piccolo,” from Laura.

“What color is your Sharpie?” I asked.


“Well, that explains everything.”


  1. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh, now THAT'S funny!!!!!

  2. 100? she should get extra credit!

  3. Maybe she's just so good the teacher's willing to overlook her mistake.

  4. As a former flute player, she probably got credit for doing something rather than nothing. Quite inventive and worth watching that girl. Wasn't she also the walking armband creativity winner?

  5. I would like to hear the sounds you can get out of a Sharpie.

  6. How did it sound? Sharp, not flat, I take it.
    Jane x

  7. I loved this - your sweet Emily is priceless.

  8. Big, big smiles - not least because Ginny is home safely.

  9. Did she play only the quarter and eighth notes?

  10. Ha, ha. Good one. She is clever.

  11. Wow! You've just got to give her credit for innovation and creativity. I'm sorry I've not been able to visit much. My life will be crazy for another three weeks till things settle down again.

  12. She definitely gets an A for creativity!! I'm sure she'll be careful in the future and Ginny will be making it home with her every night.


  13. That's resourcefulness! Well done Emily.

  14. Better than an "air flute", I'd say!

  15. She was above and beyond playing an instrument -- a sharpie is all the rage now in bands? -- barbara

  16. Aha! As a music teacher, the lost instrument/lost music/why I couldn't practice stories I hear... :)

    Having said which, one can practice quite usefully from time to time without one's instrument, reading the music, working on fingering.

  17. That girl will go far in life! Talk about making lemonade from lemons... she's capable of anything... I sure admire her!

  18. Good thinking. Also good that she didn't pick the trumpet.
