
Monday, September 16, 2013

Some dirty savage,

to grease his white cabbage,
Most wantonly murdered Nell Flaherty's drake.

An Irish folk song of protest and rebellion.

Pumpkin one

Pumpkin Three

Pumpkin Two
Its throat cut by a knife.

The Road Super thought about bringing in the last two, to save until Halloween.
Seven weeks away!

I thought, and then named a suspect.

He thought about it.
After lunch I learned he'd asked.

Yes, it was wanted for a grandchild.
No please, thank you, or by your leave.

I asked the Road Super to humor me.

Don't bring in the two left.  Let them grow.
I'll wager no one else will feel entitled.

There will be two pumpkins left to be Jack-O-Lanterns
for ALL the children 
on Beggars Night.


  1. Wow! Some people have a lot of nerve.

  2. What a rotten thing to do. Ooh these so called "entitled" people really irritate me.

  3. Garden thieves! What could be worse than stealing your food/jack'o lanterns?!

  4. I just knew when I read the title of your blog that one of "our" (yes, I've established "ownership") pumpkins had been spirited away. Even I, who am now 1,500 miles away, have been watching this pumpkin grow and have a happy Halloween... and, to be blunt, I'm pissed. At least it wasn't cut and smashed on the sidewalk...

  5. A considered and thoughtful - and kind - response by the two of you.

  6. There is so little satisfaction in having stolen goods. They will NOT rest in peace. But you and the Super will be forever blessed. Fair enough.

  7. What a lousy thing to do. When suspected pumpkin stealer comes to your house on Halloween, a trick should be chosen.

  8. And the culprit thought that no one would care or miss it? Couldn't be bothered with a...would anybody mind? I guess they must subscribe to the 'it's easier to ask for forgiveness than to ask for permission' school of thought. If of course, they even asked for forgiveness.

  9. The devils....some people certainly have a feeling of entitlement don't they?

  10. How about putting a sign up next to the ones that are left. "Reserved. Do not touch!" How aggravating!

  11. I hate this culture of taking regardless of anyone else. So selfish.
    One year I had our lovely carved, lit up pumpkin kicked down the lane ( I suspect the same boys who years later stole Joe's bike to sell for drugs )
    Since then I haven't put a pumpkin out but welcome the children who come trick or treating ( usually young children in groups accompanied by dressed up parents )

    Hope the other two pumpinks survive selfish takers.

  12. Cheeky bugger! Cutting it without even asking!
    That's rude.
    At least there's two left for jack'o'lanterns.

  13. Sometimes, when spoiling grandkids is involved, a person just plain forgets good conduct and courtesy.

  14. Like people in France who think it's O.K. to pick your fruit when you're not there....(from a recently read expat blog where the said expats do this...)

  15. Hari OM
    YIKES the varmint!!!! As in the case of others here, that was OUR pumpkin, dangnabbit!! I'd be calling on the local leprechauns to ensure safety of remainder. YAM xx

  16. That was mean of whoever helped themselves. Of course, the other two pumpkins should be left for all the children to enjoy. Hope they're well guarded by Super.

  17. The NERVE!

    At the very least, I hope the caper involved in the thievery is a story worth telling.

  18. The NERVE!

    At the very least, I hope the caper involved in the thievery is a story worth telling.

  19. Looking at these photos I wish I had grown some this year x

  20. I would be more than delighted to ship you pumpkins! We planted one seed this year and somehow have ended up with over ten of them. They are big round and perfect. For the first year, we won't be buying pumpkins to decorate our front steps....and my daughter will get to carve as many jack-o-lanterns as she wishes...
