
Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Holy great pumpkin patch, Linus

Where we left off yesterday:

From the right:  some rocks.  Never know when you will need a rock.  Some size of gravel.  In the bin, another size of gravel. Actually, there are two sizes of gravel in that bin, in neat piles. Some spare culvert pipe tucked back there. Then, the squash advancing on Boston.

The road super was still in his office when I stopped to pick up the payroll information.  I asked why he didn't just dispatch that dud squash to get at his back fill.

It's a punkin, Charlie Brown!

The pumpkins out on the asphalt.  I am not about to climb that hill of fill to look at the pumpkins up there.  They are growing in gravel!

Last summer the super couldn't open one garage door because there was a sunflower in it.  This summer he can't use any back fill because there's a pumpkin in it.


  1. Hari OM
    Pumpkin...squash... I am not going to argue over potentially delicious food!!! YAM xx &*>

  2. He is a plant protector! Punkins are the best things ever, for from them come all tasty nummy sweets.

  3. I thought that flower looked like pumpkin!

    I love the Super's (and your) appreciation for plants growing in difficult places.

  4. Tee hee... I can't believe you and the Super are having plant problems again! I soooo look forward to hearing the latest!

  5. Maybe he'll give you one to make a pie from.

  6. Aren't you glad there's not a dandelion growing in front of the door to the ladies restroom?

  7. Oh wow - a fine pumpkin it is too.

  8. I like 'the squash advancing on Boston'...

  9. They grow everywhere but never where you want them.

  10. There'll be a huge line up come Halloween!
    Jane x

  11. Can't wait to see what they come up with for next summer.

  12. Woo-Hoo! Pumpkin! I've never been able to grow a pumpkin. Last time I failed someone told me something to try and for the life of me I can't remember what that was. Not hand pollination, because I tried that and had no luck.

  13. Dear Joanne, I read this posting and the preceding one to learn more about the township road super. It sounds like he has an eye for the beauty of nature. I do so hope that in the winter he's there to help when someone needs it. Peace.

  14. Pumpkins are stubborn. They will grow anywhere and squeeze out anything else in their path. We planted too many one year and they almost took over our yard. Now, we are prudent and only grow one or two. A year. I weed the others out!

  15. This is hilarious and very touching ... a kind, neat and organized man, with a great big heart. And maybe a thing for pumpkin pies?

  16. A pumpkin growing in a grave ... has to be a perfect pumpkin for Halloween !

  17. Mother Nature is a tough old gal!
