
Friday, July 26, 2013

What I did while the painters painted the barn:

A damsel fly

A bumble bee, loaded down

A butterfly in the phlox

The weeds in the gravel

I followed a dragonfly around the garden, but I couldn't get behind him for a picture.

It was noon, and the pictures I managed were from above, a tiny winged creature
casting an out sized shadow on the ground below.

Like an old black and white horror film.

I put those in the trash can.


  1. If I got real close I could almost smell the phlox... my Mom called it "Sweet William" and it brings back happy memories. Thanks you!

  2. Beautiful, Joanne! I have yet to capture a dragon or damselfly! They are too fast for me. LOL! :)

  3. That damselfly looks beautiful (and is nice to have around as it is a voracious eater of mosquitoes).

  4. I have also been patrolling the rocks to catch all the little weeds springing up. The lawn guy came around several weeks ago to spray and I told him I was taking care of it. I hate when they spray that awful stuff!

  5. We sat watching a dragon fly this hope of grabbing a shot with my camera and my skill...but he was very beautiful sunning himself in the evening sun.
    Jane x

  6. You mean you didn't sit and watch the painters work, I love to watch other people work and offer helpful advice until they tell me to go away usually doesn't take long.

  7. What a pleasant occupation to capture beauty with a lens while paint is being applied elsewhere. You got it figured out.

  8. We have dragonflies around the two little ponds, no damselflies though. I've only ever seen them on the river. And is that obedient plant in the second pic?

    1. Yes, good eye. Part of my effort to get a whole lot of perennials crowding out the weeds.

  9. I'm still recovering from thinking you wrote "weeds in the grave" ...!

    Nice shots.

  10. nothing is a weed..just don't remember the name..

  11. These are all such beautiful photos, Joanne.

  12. Oh the fun of ambling around with a camera - beautiful colours, wonderful scents and the soundtrack provided by the droning of bumble bees - with the added pleasure of knowing that others are working. Nice one!

  13. Gorgeous pictures, even the weeds look pretty.
    Is a damsel fly similar to a dragon fly?

    1. No. Dragon flies are lumpy and stumpy, but have lovely wings. Damsel flies are like beautiful long drink stirring sticks.

  14. What did we do before we had digital cameras? I so enjoy taking pictures of nature without having to worry about wasting film. You got some very nice shots.

  15. Very pretty images in your own backyard!
