
Monday, July 8, 2013

The watermelon hole

Although it has rained for eleven straight days at our house fireworks went off in the Friday night break, to the delight of all the children and grown-ups who crowded Barlow Field.  Emily professed a little disappointment the show lasted only half an hour, but as it commenced raining on the way home apparently half an hour was perfect.

Fourth of July was a little awkward this year, falling on Thursday.  But it rained much of the day, so no harm, no foul.  Beth and I scheduled a picnic for Saturday, at Camp 61, and the word went out. My only responsibility was the head count, and I could report at least sixteen.  Our house is little expanded from its two bedroom bungalow origins, except the deck and the studio, so all would be well if it rained on schedule, better if it didn't.

And it did not rain until the last guest departed.  It was a deck party!

I had some checking up to do:

The twin cousins, Laura and Francis, born two weeks apart.  They think "twin cousins" is stupid, but I'm the grandma, so turn around for your annual picture.

Caroline and Laura still fit in the same chair.  Caroline just came from a swim meet; those are her events inked on the back of her hand.  Rather clever.

Although one of the last two or three remaining viable branches came down from the elm tree in this current round of storms, 

The watermelon hole remains. I do not recall how many years it has been that children have played Corn Hole with watermelon rinds aimed at the elm's knot hole.  A long time.  Uncle Tom has banned corn cobs from being used these days; the raccoons are simply too fond of corn cobs still reeking of butter.  But deer make short work of watermelon rinds in the ravine, then leave.  

On your mark,

Get ready,

Go, Go, Go.

Final score:  Francis--one; Deer-a whole lot.


  1. Lucky deer! Haven't had watermelon is a long time--will get some this weekend for my own gr-kids.

  2. My kids used to see who could spit the watermelon seeds the furtherest. The next year, there would always be a watermelon growing someplace in the garden.

    Glad you got your picnic in before the rain. We did ours on Thursday, no rain, but plenty of sweat.

  3. Ha ha, you have a built in game in your yard and from your deck. Good way to keep people occupied. It's always nice to have a bbq or picnic in the summer, esp. when most of us have cold and long winters. Summer months are always a nice break.

  4. What fun to have those traditions! We've had NO rain for SO long that any mention of rain makes me try to remember what it sounds like... feels like... smells like... Glad you had your celebration before it descended upon you...

  5. I've never like watermelon..perhaps I should gulp it down whilst holding my nose,just for the sake of the deer.

    1. I can't abide it either. Pink paste! Yech! I like deer, but not enough to eat watermelon for them.

    2. I eat it for the chickens. But then I like it. What a warm-sounding family bunch you all have!

  6. Watermelon so sugary and sweet in summer nothing beats it and ours are a bright red but the beer fairy wanted some the other day and we are in the middle of winter and the melon was pink paste and horrible so he blended it all up and added some blueberries, it looked like cement with blue metal in it and tasted a bit that way too.

  7. hehe similarly to uncle Tom. I banned chewing gum from my house because Stoffel once got hold of a piece, I went for a nap and Stoffel joined me, resting against my head - during the course of my snooze she spat the gum out and when I awoke I had to cut a big chunk of my hair out ...

  8. Enjoy watermelon when on holiday in the heat but never eat it here.
    What a wonderful fun family day.

  9. Sounds like a grand party : glad the rain stopped for a while so everyone could have a great time.

  10. I love watermelon. but haven't had a slice in such a long time. Time to rectify the situation. Lol.

  11. It amazes me how at ease you are with party prep. I would have been a nervous wreck, running around like a chicken with its head cut off.

    1. it's really not hard to count heads...Joanne does not cook.

  12. I love deck parties! Hmm . . . time for another one . . .

  13. So nature provided you with an elm tree equipped with a built-in game - cool.

  14. In the summer months we feed watermelon to our Koi fish. We slice it into big rings and they just make pigs of themselves.

  15. Glad the rain didn't spoil your celebrations. Love the pictures of your grandchildren.

  16. haha i love it---and now i just gotta get some watermelon!

  17. what fun. we finally got some rain here. three showers one day, a hard rain during the night, and a gently rain for several hours the next day. it will dry up all too soon I fear.

  18. Sounds like a very good time; glad the weather co-operated just when it mattered.

  19. Wow! This sounds like so much fun. I love your "twin cousins". They'll love it when they get older too.

  20. I'm so glad the weather co-operated for your and your parties. July 4th is one of the very best holidays. No presents, no costumes unless you're in a parade, just lots of family fun and celebration. Happy Birthday U.S.A. Sounds like even the deer got to celebrate. Fun contest.

  21. Am loving the guy in the striped jumper
