
Monday, June 17, 2013

Short sighted

Laura planted a row of sunflowers in a plot Uncle Tom turned over for her.
Saturday night the deer came through 
and bit off half the tops.

They still have not seen the salad bowl.


  1. When you say 'Uncle Tom' turned over for her, do you mean the CIA, as in 'Uncle Tom turned her over', like, say, a drugs-bust? I told you those kids were planting weed, didn't I? Oh well, at least the deer ate the evidence.

    1. I caught Tom planting more sunflower seeds. Green eyed girl syndrome.

  2. I have two tubs of moss roses on my patio that seem to get pruned every night. I'm not sure who the culprit might be but it sure looks like something a deer would do!

  3. When we lived in Ohio we tried to find "deer resistant" plants... now, at our daughter's in Texas... we're still looking for "deer resistant" plants. If you ever figure it out you can sell it and make a fortune! Marigolds and daffodils are beautiful but the darned things only bloom for a short time!

  4. I have deer in the woods behind my house and they sometimes like to come onto my yard to tip-toe through the tulips. However, in all the years I have lived here and the hundreds of flowers I have put out there, I have only lost one plant to them. Hopefully, my luck will hold up.

    Everything looks lovely in your garden, despite the hungry critters.

  5. Instead of planting them in your yard she should have done them at the town garage :-)

    1. Yes, those deer would be NO match for our road super.

  6. I think we are lucky not to have deer.

  7. Your salad bowl is looking rather yummy.

  8. Do you use any sprays or scents to keep the deer away?

    1. Only dumb luck, and temporary fencing around the vegetable garden.

  9. Oh shame ! The pheasants ate my snakeshead Fritillary !

    Just enjoyed reading your previous post & hope the bird house is soon inhabited.

  10. i can't tell you how much i enjoy your pics of your garden and yard!

  11. Oh, you poor thing! Deer? I have heard that they love to eat gardens.

  12. That was tight after all her hard work. They should grow again with a bit of luck,it's just that they'll have several heads instead of one so more flowers to pick even if they're not as big. Your garden is looking good.

  13. deer are really cool and it is a wonder when they venture close but I am glad we don't have any here as I am a gardener and I would be furious if they ate all my hard work.

  14. And they look so innocent! Here in Canada, we often see little fences around certain trees. My Husby likes to tell the kids that it's to keep them from wandering. (But I really think it's to keep them from being nibbled to death!)
