
Wednesday, June 26, 2013

An inflorescence of yucca meets rain and wind…

A week’s worth of hot sticky days ended in a several hours of lightening, thunder, wind and rain last night.

The weather alerts came often, preceded by the annoying attention signal.  This is a dangerous storm, take shelter indoors.  The wind gusts were sixty miles an hour, as promised.  Out back a limb of our struggling old elm come down.  It’s reduced to two branches reaching skyward.  And the kid’s watermelon rind hole.

The elm is at the bottom of a small ravine.  The end of its snapped limb can be seen at the top of the hill.  The hole in the trunk is at least sixty feet away; the kids stand along the deck rail and wing their rinds at the hole. A surprising number make it. The deer and the squirrels are happy.

The rain gauge is nearing three inches.  I’m sure it was three inches; the wind blew the rest straight over the top.

In the front, I've kept my eye on the yuccas, slowly coming into bloom.  I wanted photos of an inflorescence of yucca when several plants bloomed. 

That may happen yet, but in the meantime the big guy needs a crutch.  A round of applause; it took sixty mile gusts that brought down an old elm’s branch.  But, as the day went on, the yucca sagged lower and lower; we staked it up.

Emily and I repaired Laura’s flower basket corner.  The basket was so heavy with water and the ground so waterlogged, the basket holder sagged to the ground

 Every trip through the front door, Toby wants to know if we brought him leaves. There are oak leaves and twigletts scattered at the front door and back; Toby needs more, more, more.


  1. We had lots of rain too. Wow those Yuccas have great flowers can't wait till mine flowers.

  2. Last weekend I welcomed rain, now I'm tired of it. Forecast is for a heat wave by this weekend. A few days of hot weather and I will be missing the rain...I guess I'm hard to please!

  3. I think I could while away some happy hours sitting on that bench and enjoying your gardens. Love to Toby.

  4. The Yuccas are gorgeous. I am amazed at how well your garden withstood the wild and woolly weather. And what cat doesn't want MORE. They make Oliver Twist look moderate.

  5. The Yucca are beautiful and 3 inches is a fabulous amount of rain. Toby is cute.

  6. I have a yucca too and love it when it blooms! You've been having the same weather as us, I see!!

  7. Every day we are given the same weather warings and although the winds and torrential rains have hit towns nearby, we have escaped.

    I do love the bloom on the yucca. The sad thing is that it's life is so short.

  8. That's an impressive flower! My cats are not as keen on fresh leaves as Toby,they prefer the crackle of autumn leaves.I love Toby's 'high five'!
    Jane x

    1. He seems to love everything except pansies. If we brought him a log he would sleep with it.

  9. The skys are grey, the banks overflowing. And still I love the rain. And big storms? Even better. Love your yucca! I don't think I've ever seen one close up in captivity. Definitely nothing like that here!

  10. It sounds like the entire Midwest is taking a beating from the rain and storms.

  11. Yes, here in Missouri the weather is crazy--a storm every few days...power out...lots of thunder. The dogs are NOT happy.

  12. Sixty miles an hour is some storm. The yucca is gorgeous. Hope it survives OK.

  13. Love those yuccas about to bloom.

  14. That flower is amazing, Joanne! We have been getting some rain in Montreal, too, and some got really hot and humid, so I was glad to see the rain, as I really cannot handle the magnitude of humidity that Montreal is known for in our summers. Take care of yourself.

  15. Hi Joanne, I wanted to add that I absolutely LOVE your header photo!!!

  16. Dear Joanne, the winds that break branches--and bend yucca blooms--were here last evening during a downpour. The wind danced the rain up the street in swirls. Quite a picture. Peace.

  17. Rain I don't mind but wind of any sort sends me indoors

  18. It looks so beautiful. I would like Doug to come dress the Garth's back yard!!

  19. Didn't realize you got hit so hard with the storm..Glad Watermelon rind hole survived..Will supply watermelon next week>

  20. Didn't realize you got hit so hard with the storm..Glad Watermelon rind hole survived..Will supply watermelon next week>

  21. Yuccas are such dramatic, beautiful plants. I'm glad you rescued your beauty.
