
Sunday, May 5, 2013

Starting with pancake breakfast

We did not set out to do so much in a day, it just happened.  We did plan on pancakes at the fire station this morning, and when that plan shifted from noon to nine in the morning the rest of the day just got longer.

After pancakes we (royal we) mulched the garden.  Then Jan and Hazel and Laura and I went shopping for a new picnic table for the back deck.  That had been slated for tomorrow and happened today.  Tomorrow Tom and Tony will surely assemble the new outfit.  At least one of them won’t rest until he knows what we bought.

Without further ado:

Some of the equipment the fire district put on display.  They move it all outdoors for pancake breakfast morning so the equipment garage becomes the dining hall.  On the right, the pumper.  Its cab, at least.  I forgot my camera and put Emily in charge of taking pictures with my phone.  On the left, the squad.  Personally, I would call it an ambulance.  It is the very one I rode in to the hospital when I had a stroke three years ago.

For the first time I remember a medi-vac helicopter came for the public to inspect.  Geoff told me they have been on the field the last three years; I guess I've just been missing it.  I was not about to walk on the very lumpy field to take a picture of Hamilton, Laura and Emily together so they passed the phone among themselves. Someone forgot to tell Hamilton the color scheme du jour.

Tony, Tom and my nephew Mark up close and personal inspecting the chopper.  Tom left, Tony right in the right hand picture.  Hazel calls them "the stomachs."  

Passed Geoff in the parking lot and got a hug.  I worked for the fire district for four years, through the construction of the new station garage.  My favorite:  construction accounting for a government entity.  Not.  

The first day I went into the station house, a building already on the site, construction was all around.  2x4's on the floor, marked up drawings on long tables, a to do list on a chalk board.  Item one on the list:  Fire Geoff. They're a pretty loose lot when they don't have to be serious and apparently firing Geoff seemed like a good idea that day.

At work back at the house.  Mark took pity on them after a dozen bags of mulch and unloaded the bags from the tractor.  My knees should be as young as Laura's knees! I am keeping an eye on the lettuce tower in the lower left picture and will soon have a report.


My little corner vignette. I moved in one of my lavendar plants, added the pansy pot and pulled all the weeds from around the blarney stone and the indian.  Mulch compliments of my grandkids.

Finally.  Look at this young man's dirty feet.  A black and white with dirty feet.  I finally realized when we are outdoors he lays at the storm door with his front paws pushed as far as possible underneath.  Feeling the breeze?  He does not try to leave when we open the door, although we have to push him aside or try to step around.


  1. Ah, Kenworth - the most beautiful modern truck-rig. I saw a pure white/cream one in Florida once, and I have wanted one ever since.

    1. I was there when they took delivery of that one. 225K. But the men take exquisite care of the equipment; I'll bet their wives wished they cleaned house as often as the fleet.

  2. Can you send the kids down here to help with my yard? I hate hauling mulch and my back only lasts through a few bags.

  3. You REALLY got a lot done, but it looks like it was all a lot of fun. I love it that the kids get to get their hands into some dirt. Wonderful!

  4. I must admit I like the longnose Kenworth they are the best looking trucks and firemen are usually pretty good to look at too.
    The garden is coming along nicely, it's great that you get some willing help it doesn't happen here.

  5. I spent the day outside in the yard myself. I have new plants to get in.

  6. Pancakes for breakfast? Can't beat a Full English if you ask me.

    1. You would have approved. They also served eggs and sasauges. The pancakes are there so is can be called Pancake Breakfast.

  7. Not had pancakes for breakfast (or maple syrup on sausages for that matter) since I was in Canada, and that was 35 years ago. Might try it.

  8. That looks like a good day's work. Sometimes, especially in the spring, you get started on one project and the whole thing snowballs. Hmmm guess that is a different kind of snowballs than the ones in December. Love the kitty's paws.

  9. Sounds as if it was a wonder filled day!

  10. Wowsy, dowsy--you run a tight ship, Grandma. Did everyone rest the next day?

  11. If it weren't a fire station, I'd be worried about Geoff. Looks like you had a great day!

  12. What a grand day! Perfect for pancakes and gardening. Lettuce tower? What a great idea.

  13. my cats like lying near they door they love to action of birds and lizards outside and also like it when the sun pour over them, beautiful garden vignette.

  14. Dear Joanne, such a busy day! I get really tired if I try to do too much. so for me a day is mostly blogging, writing, possibly walking, and maybe one errand--to the library, grocery store, K-Mart, CVS pharmacy. You see what I mean. More than that and I just get droopy.

    Right now I'm going to showrooms for four-season porches and for flooring and carpeting. Then I schedule someone to come here for measurements. One a day! Peace.
