
Saturday, February 2, 2013

Valentine box

I took my camera when I went to smile over the giggles from the basement.

Concentration.  Or not.

I remember Valentine boxes. On Valentine’s Day they sat on our desks.  We lined up around the outer wall, then, led by Miss Milani, we went up one aisle and down another, dropping our cards in boxes.

I almost remember decorating them.

Janice admired the box, too, and said we needed to get cards.  “Oh, no,” Aunt Janice, “I’m making my own!”  I’m sure Laura will draw a cat on every one.

Emily’s friends say he's cute, in a nerdy way.

If you want whiskers, grow your own.

Goodbye from here, where we are housebound and watching today's three and a half inches of snow fall.  


  1. I'm guessing only the girls do them, I don't remember making one.

  2. May they get lots of cards and just enough snow to enjoy it.

  3. I remember making Valentine's Day boxes way back in the forties.
    Our teacher assigned us each to bring in treats like popcorn balls or cupcakes or cookies. It was a really big deal. The year when I was 8, I woke up sick with sinusitis on Valentine's Day. It's a disappointment I carry with me to this day. I lived a very boring life.

  4. Oh gosh, I remember Valentines boxes AND Valentine box lunches.

  5. Must be a girl USA thing as I've never heard of them here?

  6. We looked forward and planned mightily for the Valentine Boxes. I remember saving the latest shoe box, scrounging for ribbons after Christmas. It was a HUGE deal in our rural community.

  7. I don't remember the details of the card exchange. I remember the cute girls. Real cards are better than a text message.

  8. Snowing a lot down here, too!!!! Miss Ruby is buried -- I can only see bits of red!!! Stay warm!!!!!

  9. How neat with the snow! Especially on the weekend! Cute Valentine's Box! I do remember those days of making them and getting them filled with Valentine goodies :)


  10. Those are some good-looking grandchildren you have there - all three of them.

    I remember the Valentine's Day boxes! We were always expected to have a Valentine for every person in the class - and we always scrutinized the ones we got from our "crushes" for any hidden meaning, or any sign our feelings might be returned :)

  11. I don't think we did valentine boxes. not in middle school anyway. in high school one of the girls clubs did singing valentines. I never got one.

  12. Oh my goodness and that memory is not a good one for me. Think fifth grade was the last of that nonsense. Lovely family by the way.
