
Thursday, January 17, 2013

Musical interlude presented by The Old Grey Goose

Laura’s fifth grade band presented their first concert at lunch time.  Uncle Tom and I went, and had great third bleacher row seats.  Oh, those young mothers and fathers, going up and up.  We sat at grandparent level.

These little folks can take “extracurricular” activities in place of recess. We were at the Wednesday Friday Band performance; there is a Tuesday Thursday Band, too.  About sixty five members each.  Flute, clarinet, alto sax, tenor sax, bassoon, trumpet, French horn, trombone, baritone, tuba and percussion, and from the sound of them, all well past the painful stage.

The band filed in, took their chairs.  The director explained this little band has worked diligently for four months, and had another four months hard work ahead.  They have just completed the same note phase and next term begin harmony.  They played London Bridge.

The conductor turned back to us to introduce Aunt Rhodie.  It really needs no introduction; we have been intimate with Aunt Rhodie for several months.  But first he needed a volunteer from the audience to help the story teller.  Laura, almost too far away for me to see, had Uncle Tom in her sights and her little finger jabbed over the shoulders of the flute section.  Tom shifted uncomfortably.  I poked him.  He volunteered.

Aunt Rhodie did have an old grey goose and thought she would cook him up for Sunday dinner.  She went down the lane to consult the French chef, who tried to save the old grey goose’s life by suggesting Aunt Rhodie try hot cross buns, instead.  When that wouldn’t do the French chef tried sending Aunt Rhodie to Mary, who had lamb.  No, Aunt Rhodie would have none of that.  The French chef intercepted the old grey goose in his barnyard strutting, told him to quick, get in the boat and row away.  He did.  Aunt Rhodie was very sad, but suddenly the old grey goose came back up the hill.  They all joined hands and celebrated with a little polka.

This little musician can handle her own weight in tubas!

Give them a hand.

Our little trumpeter files out, and we all go home.  Or back to work.


  1. All those fresh little faces, so hopeful, so eager to please....brings tears to your eyes doesn't it?

  2. Kids are amazing, aren't they? We just hope they can maintain that confidence throughout their life. Very nice post.

  3. Great thing to offer them so much musical activity.

  4. Music speaks all languages i believe.

  5. I remember those first concerts - it doesn't take too long before they are simply amazing.

  6. I think school bands are great, they're a wonderful way to introduce kids to music.
    All the kids above look so keen, so happy.
    We didn't have school bands when I was little, there were music classes in high school I think, but only the higher grades. Now most high schools have a music class but I'm not sure about bands. My grandson was learning the trumpet for a while, I'm not sure if he still does, he's focused more on his rowing.

  7. How lovely. We didn't have school bands, and we were obviously missing out.

  8. It is wonderful that the school has such a wonderful music program available to its students. And that there are 2 bands of 65 members shows the enthusiasm for music is alive and very well! Once a love of playing music is instilled in a young persons life it will live within them and enrich them always. Lovely post, Joanne!

  9. School music programs help insure that young people will learn to appreciate a variety of music rather that what's popular today. There is little of what passes for music that will have any staying power for future generations, I'm afraid. I can't imagine anyone getting nostalgic over rap or hip-hop!

  10. Teachers of music at grade school and even on to high school have my utmost admiration. They have so many challenges, plus a job that seems to be on the top of the hit list when it comes to funding. Hooray for them and also those students who give up recess for band.

    p.s. I hate to be the one with bad news but someone has to tell Aunt Rhodie the old gray goose is dead.

    1. I miscounted the numbers; there are over ninety children in each band! Good for them, but even more, good for the music teacher. That simply is an abundance of patience.
