
Friday, January 25, 2013

Holy whiteout, Batman

My ends are pretty loose in this run up to the next hearing.  Flipping my calendar pages to find something else I realized the magistrate also set a trial date, if needed, for March 21st.    I’m visualizing not needing that one!

Ann emailed yesterday to let me know they lost Bandit.  He flashed across my mind this morning, thumping along on three legs, shoulder to shoulder with Herman.  Well, shoulder to kneecap, Herman hopping up and down to shout in Bandit’s ear. They knew each other only briefly at Ann’s, but they were vivid in my mind’s eye this morning.

January has been tough on pets.  We lost Jan’s buddy Ryon on the Sunday of Epiphany.  I wonder about him, too.  He did not leave the basket on my dresser if there were strangers in the house or too many feet on the floor.  The grandkids would crowd into my closet to entice him out of the basket.  That Sunday he was napping on the sofa.  Jan looked up when she heard his claws unhook from the fabric.  Ryon rolled over and was dead.  Heart attack?  Stroke?  Aneurism?  He got a brand new pillowcase and is buried in the cat graveyard.

Toby kitty took a few days, but has settled into being the number one indoor cat.  Purrl only knows there is one less cat accosting him at the door.

I just hate snow!

On the other hand, I don’t go out in it, and it is lovely falling down so.


  1. Always a heartbreak to lose a pet.

  2. So sorry for your loss, Joanne. Good that you still have Toby to hug.

  3. We don't have pets now... my last heartache was 2001 when KC died. I think it's that they expect so little in return for all the love they give you... we should all be so lucky to have those kind of relationships.....

  4. Pets fill your heart and then break them. Their lives are too short.

  5. Lives--human or pets--are too short. We have to fill what we have with love.

  6. Snow is nice and wonderful only if you don't have to go out in it.

  7. My cat Snuffy was buried in a blue pillow case over in the wooded lot. It seems like the proper shroud for a kitty.

  8. Poor Toby does look a little lost.

  9. They had good lives - with your friend, and with your sister and you. It's hard when they're gone, though.

  10. Toby looks a little lonely up on his perch.
    You'll have to give him extra cuddles.

  11. Nice to look at not so nice to shovel, sad about the loss of pets, and sad about the birds and animals having to withstand all that cold out of doors.

  12. Poor Ryon... I went back to your link and admired him squished in his basket. A sweetie, to be sure. ox

  13. Pets are members of our families; we mourn when they pass, just like we would for a person. So sorry...

  14. Terrible to lose a pet. They become part of the family so easily.

  15. Pets become family and I dread dread losing one. Hugs for you Jo. I am wishing you some of our sunny warmth. I have been outside gardening (now my back hurts but love it still).

  16. Only pet owners know what a pull losing a pet actually is x
