
Saturday, September 1, 2012

My Sunshine. All Mine.

Signed,  Ryon


  1. This what Mr. Martha will look like when he is all grown up! Mr. Martha is self absorbed, too.

  2. And the carpet too....don't forget the carpet....that's mine too.

  3. After having cats most of my life, we're taking a cat break now. My daughter just took her cat (he was living with us) to her new home. I'm wondering if I'll be able to hold out. Love how they find the only patch of sunshine in the house and just claim it and soak it all in!

  4. Oh yes, and in our house the two cats will argue about whose 'all mine' it is.

  5. In the cold of winter, due to the angle of the sun, our living room fills with sunshine and our cats love it. Ryon is a handsome fellow! (hope I've assumed the gender correctly)

  6. Cats always find the warmest spots. If you're feeling cold, look for your cat and sit with him. On a chair of course. Because getting up off the floor is much harder if you aren't a cat.

  7. This is the 2nd post I've seen this morning about cats - which is strange because my girlfriends cat 'Wookie' is on his last legs. She's really upset - he is so old, like a long time friend :(

  8. There is nothing more relaxing than seeing a cat (or dog) lying in the sun. Unless, of course it is me lying in the sun!

  9. the 'camp store' you describe was actually back in the interior of the 67-acre tamsin campgrounds. it was known as the 'ranger station' and was located about where the north end of lakeview drive is today. the jones farmhouse wasn't restored into the indian mill until after robert kruty took control of the campground in 1971. prior to that, the house was abandoned for many years. joneses lived just north of the park entrance. that house has been razed and its driveway is now a road to bob kruty's house. hope that clears things up....
