
Sunday, August 26, 2012

We’ll knuckle down and get back to work on Monday

Another beautiful weekend; summer’s last hurrah.  Today was the last day of the Shaker Woods Festival in Columbiana, Ohio, and the girls and I were there.  Linda did not expect to be busy; the last day of a three weekend show typically is not overwhelming, and she intended to put a new warp on her loom to be ready to work next week.  This job is rather mindless and someone to chat with is welcome.

We got there about eleven.  Emily and Laura have been on these grounds before, and were gone before we said Goodbye.  Of course I was looking around for a topic.  I’ve written about Linda’s Farewell Tour already.  Her Betsy Ross flag is interesting, but not beyond four or five words.

Then the painted kids began coming down our path.  There were face painters extraordinaire on duty today!   

I asked a parent for this picture before Spider Man was completely aware.

Spider Man called me back to demonstrate his web casting technique.

This young man was a great cat impersonator.

Then he smiled and he needs his two front teeth for Christmas.

There was a butterfly.

There was a snake.

There was another cat.

But wait, Mom.  She has a tattoo to show off, too.

Laura and Emily came back.  Laura has something awesome on her face.

Emily went for the understatement.  A clef for her place in the band.

And another sister duo piece de resistance. Little girls with curls with curls.

My own sister duo showed up about half an hour before the show closed for another year.  I would have snapped a picture of each of them asleep on the way home, but I was driving the car.


  1. What a wonderful craft your sister continues. The face painting is pretty great too!

  2. Nice face painting. Our youngest daughter and volunteered to do face painting at a few parties. She draws quite a crowd (a pun just popped-up did you notice?).

  3. That face painter was quite talented. Nice work on your part "finding a story" :)

  4. Wonderful face painting. Your sister's craft would be anything but mindless if I were to play - and I expect the tip of my tongue would be out as I concentrated very, very hard.

  5. Bonza face paintings, my favourite one is the colourful butterfly.

  6. How adorable.

    If they offered face painting at work, I would do it. :-)


  7. I have always wondered, do they use special non-toxic paints for face painting? It looks like great fun.

  8. Great comment. I don't know about the process, so I googled up a couple of articles. Face painters are advised to use known brands of face paint and known brands of glitter, if they use glitter, which has to be sized properly. Wash hands between children. Check each child for head lice because the painter so often holds the child's head to steady it. The painter is advised to keep their own hair back in a pony tail to avoid any possible contamination. The painter also should stay hydrated for their own health and take frequent breaks.

    I didn't realize what a problem head lice have become, again, until I delivered the grand kids to day camp and saw them checked. The nurse told me it's state law.

  9. the season of fairs and bazaars is beginning here. love the little butterfly.

  10. Such innocent fun, those are some great face paintings.

  11. You've had the most wonderful summer!
    You're probably looking forward to some slower, sit down times with autumn coming on, but with Emily and Laura around I wouldn't count on too much of that.

  12. The magic of a mysterious face. We all should take on a new identity occasionally just to get over ourselves.

  13. Ahhh! I love summer! How bittersweet is this wonderful post. Let's hope that the fall activities prove to be as much fun!

  14. these were wonderful face paints---oh and i love that loom pic:)

  15. I like the way kids can have more fun then grown ups!
