
Friday, August 10, 2012

Three good pictures and nothing to make of them

I woke up to rain I had listened to several times during the night.  I saw a hummingbird blob on the feeder pole (20/200 uncorrected vision!).  I took a shower and looked out my window again.  Still there.  In the kitchen to make breakfast; still there.  I went back for the camera, knowing my luck would surely run out.  I opened the kitchen slider, opened the screen.  As I took several pictures I saw three hummingbirds vying for the feeder and this guy is king of the heap.

Toby went to the vet yesterday for his first annual visit.  He is not a vocal cat.  Purrl meows adamantly to be let out; Ryon meows loudly when night falls and is positively obnoxious during the full moon, but Toby is the man of silence.  He said nothing about the carrier; a few short remarks on the car ride to the vet and not one meow thereafter.

This young man sat next to me for the Junior Ranger induction ceremony a couple of weeks ago.  There was a spider on his Croc! 


  1. The cat may not say much aware...he IS thinking.

  2. I trust your trip to the vets was easier than mine! I have crocs the same colour as the little boy...what excellent taste he has!
    Jane x

  3. All three of my cats complaint loudly and bitterly all the way to the vet's and all the way home. It's so stressful they will have to sleep the rest of the day. How lucky you are!

  4. Wow. You got your hummer to pose by the feeder. Nice one. People who think creatures are all alike are not very observant. They all have their own personality. If they were people I'll bet some would choose to wear cool Spiderman crocs.

  5. Toby may not be vocal, but he could be thinking and plotting payback after the trip to the vet.

  6. A hummingbird on your feeder must be amazing. I miss read your first bit about the sound of rain at night. I like that too, but I thought it said train at first, which is also a nice sound at night - in the distance.

  7. "nothing to make of them...." They make everything all by themselves....

  8. You always have something interesting to say. I like anything to do with animals - including the human ones :)

  9. We don't have cats, but our Aldo, an Old English Sheepdog could hit notes never before heard when he was left with the vet. Wuss! :)
