
Monday, August 6, 2012

Extreme grass

I thought you all might be interested in extreme vegetation.  This two lane road in an adjacent township was closed and gated almost twenty years ago.  Just recently it was legally abandoned and title reverted to the adjacent landowners, in this case the MetroPark and the Federal Park.  The asphalt is still under there, leaching into the water table.  I wonder if that will be rectified.  But, it certainly is a testimonial to the power of grass.


  1. Thank you ancestors for learning to control grass so that humans could build roots. :)

  2. A good follow-up to your grass in the sidewalk post. This place doesn't really need people at all. It would just keep turning and most likely be in even better shape without us.

  3. The power of life since that asphalt is not living it doesn't have a chance. This reminds me of the documentaries about what would happen if humans left the planet.

    1. I'm reminded of that series too! I think it was called "Life After People". It's awesome the way Nature can obliterate every trace of humanity in such a short time.

  4. There are roads like that here on the Refuge.... one lane roads now... but in places you can still see the yellow center line. They are looking into the feasibility of tearing up that old asphalt and recycling it... leaving a dirt road to travel on. But it's so time consuming and expensive... don't know if that will happen here.

  5. The power of grass can still get you arrested in most states.

  6. I like to see grass take over asphalt any day!

  7. Apart from the asphalt this could be our old railway line - a haven for the wildlife.

    1. Many of our abandoned railway lines have become bike or hike trails. Excellent use of the old road beds.

  8. Ashes to ashes, dust to dust and asphalt back to the grass and weeds it was meant to be.

  9. Nature is certainly on her way to dealing with the un-maintained. For the humans to come in and tear it up would be many steps backward. Besides it might be a relic someday to a future archeologist.

  10. Yay the grass. Looks better than asphalt, smells better too. And lives much, much longer.

  11. A snapshot of the world after humans have left wouldn't take nature long to reclaim what is hers.
    Jane x

  12. It doesn't take Mother Nature long to cover my mistakes.

    Have a great day.

  13. I love that. Looks quiet...


  14. Absolutely glorious!!! I love the wonderful parks and forest that dot Ohio.!!!!!

  15. I've always heard that the best thing for growing a good lawn is a crack in the sidewalk. Beautiful picture!

  16. Nature will always reassert herself.
    I wonder what archaeologists will say when they discover this centuries from now.
