
Monday, July 23, 2012

Sunflower Volume1:Chapter8

Sunny’s eight weeks old.  That’s middle aged in sunflower years and powerful old in sunflower-growing-in-a-sidewalk-crack years.

The road super and I rolled up the door for my weekly assessment.  He thinks she’ll make it to seeds for the chickadees and finches.  So do I.  She still has a strong stem and leaves. 

He told me he has volunteer purple sunflowers at his house and he posted pictures on Facebook. I went over for a look, and just need to share it, too.  The best credit I can give is it was taken by the finest road super in the State of Ohio.


  1. good to see it hanging in there :)

  2. Time has been very kind to her.
    Jane x

  3. She looks the way I feel in the heat. I didn't know that there was such a thing as purple sunflowers.

  4. will you be having a ceremony when Sunny goes to seed? You could play "You are my Sunshine" for background music.

  5. I'm a little worried about sunflower. Are her petals supposed to be so droopy? I think she needs some shade but that seems wrong for something called a sunflower!

  6. First time I have ever seen a purple sunflower. Thank you so much for sharing.

  7. There was no way for that sunflower to fail with all the loving care and good wishes it got.

  8. 8 weeks, how time flies into middle age.

    (That was some amazing history on Sparks, btw!)

  9. Hear, Hear! A crisp salute to the road super! And to you, m'dear, for loving this brave flower through it life of service.

  10. I find faded sunflowers to be beautiful and that this one made it this far is remarkable. I spent part of Friday morning snapping pics of a field of sunflowers.

  11. Hi Ms Joanne, thank you for visiting my blog. I am now a follower of your blog too!

    I never thought that sunflowers could also have a variety of color... until I saw the photo you included. That is amazing! I hope Sunny is able to cheer passers-by and always find her gorgeous like I do.

    I will be visiting often. Take care :D

  12. I never knew there were purple sunflowers before this post!

    Your road super sounds like a standup guy.

  13. Oh wow. How lovely. Both the purple and the yellow. Thank you.

  14. You are becoming something of an authority on sunflowers. Way to go!

  15. PURPLE sunflowers! Wow, I have never seen the like.

    I'm learning stuff about sunflowers I never knew before from your blog :)

  16. At least she will be useful and and appreciated when she goes to seed. We should all hope for that.

  17. Purple sunflowers? Purple. Sunflowers! I must check the nurseries around Adelaide and see if there are any available out here in Aus.
    I'm glad Sunny will make it to seed, will you collect a few and plant them?

  18. This is just so cool! I've never been able to grow sunflowers. I always think of Van Gogh when I see sunflowers.

  19. Love keeping tabs on this volunteer ;-)
