
Thursday, July 5, 2012

Dr. Doug's Sunflower reviving elixir

I looked around the road garage Tuesday afternoon for something to put between the sunflower and the door and have there all day Wednesday.  Like I really knew what I was looking for.  Doug, the assistant road super, kindly steered me out of his bailiwick, telling me anything I put there would likely blow over and snap the stalk.  He said, in his opinion, it was up to the sunflower.

I pulled in this morning.

The IV is still dripping.

The sunflower is starting to bloom.

Doug is smiling.  He only hoped it would be alive, and here it is about to bloom.

No further bulletins until Monday.


  1. I think the flower deserves a name.

  2. Sophie the sunflower and all her friends......a story of survival of the most loved.

  3. Yay! I can go about my day. Sunflower is thriving!

  4. Sunflowers always remind me of my children. They used to bring them home from school and we would plant them in the garden.

  5. oh good--glad to hear of it's wonderful recovery!!

  6. That really put a smile on my face! Good goin", sunflower!

  7. I love this sunflower survival story and your sweet dedication to its welfare. Bless you.

    And thanks for that comment on my blog with the note Obama passed to his assistant Ah, how many times I have begged someone for just that merciful act......" Just shoot me now". Love it.

  8. I'm so glad that "Sunny" is going to make it!

  9. Brilliant news on this rainy day in Southport, UK!

  10. Wonderful news. Thank you so much for sharing.

  11. Blooms & smiles...the best.
