
Monday, July 16, 2012

Big sunflower Monday

Sunny is maturing.  Her scrawny, scrappy self probably will have seeds in a month.  I’m plotting how I can get a picture of chickadees hanging off the blossom, picking out seeds.

In news from Cousin Camp 61, there are four grandchildren here for the next two weeks.  Emily and Laura, who live here now, and Francis and Caroline.   I dropped off Laura, Francis and Caroline for Ranger Camp this morning. 

Upwards of a hundred boys and girls spilled from cars, and the counselors checked them in with equanimity.  Only my head was spinning as the efficient staff sorted them into groups.

I quizzed the day campers when I picked them up.  They hiked three to four miles today, and, according to Francis, had a very skimpy lunch of two grilled cheese sandwiches “and some other stuff.”  Tomorrow they are exploring a stream, and need to take their wellies.

Back at home I spent the rest of the day filling out the school registration packets for Emily and Laura, while Emily did all the trim work on her room.  I have one set of forms left to complete, but Emily finished, and clean up and move in can start tomorrow.


  1. I believe that beautiful room is sunflower yellow.

    I'm amazed that the sunflower had headed. Just proves any one or thing can bloom where they are planted.

  2. good progress on your own camp 61 setup.
    That sounds like a good day camp. We had one daughter that really got into summer camp and became a camp counselor for awhile

  3. Catching a chickadee eating the sunflower seeds would be tricky.
    I haven't a clue how you could do it!

  4. I remember day camps when I was a kiddo. What a fabulous grandmother you are Joanne. When CC came home from daycare as a toddler she always said she had "cheetos and bread." She never varied in her answer for two years. Of course they gave her meat she just did not eat it-rotten child.

  5. Summer camp is a wonderful growing up experience. One of my daughters still talks about her adventures at a camp that she went to for a few years. She had a great time, but hated the food.

    The room looks good and bright.

  6. The saga of the sunflower continues! Funny to see the sunny sun flower and the sunny colored room all painted.

  7. What a super stories to follow, the sunflower, the camp and the grandkids. You put me to shame you are so busy.

  8. What a perfect name for the flower - "Sunny" :)

    And that room is definitely sunflower yellow. It looks great!

  9. beautiful sunflower and how wonderful about the grand-kids and the camp--sounds fun :)

  10. My sunflowers have yet to bloom. They are volunteers from years past. I love the room, it looks so happy!
