
Friday, June 15, 2012

The wren, the wren, the king of all birds...

I spent the afternoon hefting cameras and counting buttons.  I settled on another small point and shoot, a Nikkon S6300 Coolpix.  We’re still getting to know each other.  I can tell you this much:  the battery ain’t held in by no stinkin’ flimsy orange tab.  Take that, Kodak.  And, the old card is the new camera.

I spent the rest of the afternoon charging the battery.  It’s still charging—needs three and a half hours!  But, when I thought it had a picture or two in it, we went outside, and found wrens!

You may have noticed two wren houses in the oak tree.  I think the hammock crew came from the brown house. 

I thought the white house was empty.

Then I saw a cautious little wren in among the tattered ribbons on top of the bird house.

Doing her job.

Do you know the wren song?  Perhaps if you’re Irish or like folk lyrics. I don’t know if Wren Day is still practiced.  Like Trick or Treat.  I’m sure real wrens aren’t used, now.  The little captured wren hopefully died of fright sooner than later, and would have been easier to parade about in this children’s begging event.  Although, I believe, adults used the collected pennies to stage a party, before it became a children’s event.

The Wren Song

The wren, the wren, the king of all birds

St. Stephen's Day was caught in the firs

Although he was little, his honor was great

Jump up me lads and give us a treat

We followed the wren three miles or more

Three miles of more, three miles or more

Through hedges and ditches and heaps of snow

At six o'clock in the morning

Rolley, Rolley, where is your nest?

It's in the bush that I love best

It's in the bush, the holly tree

Where all the boys do follow me

As I went out to hunt and all

I met a wren upon the wall

Up with me wattle and gave him a fall

And brought him here to show you all

I have a little box under me arm

A tuppence or penny will do it no harm

For we are the boys who came your way

To bring in the wren on St. Stephen's Day


  1. camera. Congratulations.

  2. Well that was just lovely - everything - the wren tale, your photos and the fact you have a NEW NIKON!!! WOOOT!!! Happy shooting!

  3. Love the song birds! Had forgotten the Wren Song--it has been over 20 years since I heard it! Lovely post.

  4. Good luck with your new camera! I'm sure there will be more wrens and sunflowers to shoot.

  5. I'm rather fond of wrens, having been one myself!!
    Jane x

  6. I hope you enjoy your Nikon Coolpix as much as I enjoy mine!!!!

  7. So glad you've got a new camera, they do take a long time to charge the first time, but later chargings are faster.
    I've never heard the Wren song and I don't think I've ever seen a wren either. I'll google and see what they look like.

  8. I always think of Victorian times when I hear about the wren. Such a lovely bird.

  9. wrens are one of my favorite birds. they are so big for being such little birds.

  10. Congratulations on your new addition. I expect to see many beautiful pics from it! The Wren Song is brand new to me. We never sang it on the prairies, though we did have, and love, wrens!

  11. I bought a new wren house this spring...put it where the old one was.....NO wonderful singing on my porch in the morning...Where have my wrens gone...Damned new wren's your fault...Too fancy for the the King-"jump up me lads and give us a treat"...please..
