
Monday, June 4, 2012

Monday Sunflower Report

Each groove across the garage door is 3.5”, or about 8.25 cm if you measure the way the kids learn in school these days.

Last Tuesday, May 29, after the parade, it stretched up 9 of those little marks, 31.5 inches, 74.25cm.

Today, June 4, it reaches up 11 markers, 38.5 inches,  90.75cm.

Maybe next week the bud.

Our Memorial Day parade.


  1. I wonder just how high it will manage to reach? I do hope it doesn't get damaged and broken (accidentally or otherwise).

  2. Oh I want it to bloom for you. Our birds deposit sunflower seeds in the garden and we get a few blooms. I really want a whole field but that is a bit much...

  3. Put an armed guard around it!

  4. The way things are done in today's mobile connected world this sunflower needs it's own twitter account.

  5. I hope the seam in the cement is wide enough that the stem can grow thick and sturdy to support the weight of the full-grown sunflower. It looks kind of pinched there.

  6. Thanks for stopping by, Joanne. I saw your earlier post about this sun flower. It will be interesting to see how things progress.

  7. Joanne - that parade video - did you do that? It's fantastic!!! So touching! The photographs are fantastic and the simply played anthem that goes with it... wow. You know, I wasn't going to click on the video but then I did and I am so very glad. All the American spirit is summed up in those two minutes. Bravo!!!! REally well done.
    And kudos to that sunflower, too!!!!

    1. Thanks, Cathy. There are any number of talented photographers in town, but I'm not one of them. This fellow's name is posted where I picked up the video on YouTube, but that part didn't come through. That was the parade, though. Lovely, wasn't it.

  8. You Go! Sunflower! Life finds a way, doesn't it?

    Loved the video--a parade is not a parade without Boy Scouts and a John Deere tractor (I'm from Illinois 40 years ago). Excellent music.

  9. Great to see it is still there and doing well.

  10. Presumably you are walking everywhere because the car is trapped in the garage.
    Jane x

  11. go sunflower! I had a japanese hydrangea come up through the hole in the floor where the gas line came up for the hot water heater. it got really tall, getting light from the window in the back door. I hoped it would bloom but it never did.

  12. thank you for the parade video..a true Memorial Day tribute.
