
Sunday, June 17, 2012

A long cat weekend

An old friend of Tom’s is in town for the weekend, and visiting.  With his dog, Hobo.

Hobo settled in like regular dogs.  He knew “Get out of the kitchen.”

Ryan retreated immediately to his safe place, a basket on top of my dresser, in the closet, two sizes too small.

Toby kept an eye on things.

Euba was pleased to meet a Norfolk terrier.

Cairns and Norfolks hanging and doing terrier stuff.

Toby still checking up on this stranger

And not backing off.  Closed door bravado.

Yep, this is Norfolk living

I don’t think so.

And, Purrl has not been in since Saturday morning, and and must wonder if Sunday evening will ever come.


  1. Oh dear....trouble in cat heaven.

  2. Cats are so smart. They just do what they need to do and move on.

  3. Great shots. Funny how one canine guest that upset the whole household. The cats will sigh when he is gone.

  4. Poor Toby his territory has been invaded :-).

  5. Hobo looks so sweet. I love how you've captured the cat reactions, lol. They really are something those cats.

  6. p.s. I really love that blue rug in your photo. Is it made out of denim? I used to have a smaller one that looked exactly like it. I think I gave it away after years and years of faithful service. Now I wish I still had it.

  7. I know what Toby does to bowls...hate to think what he'd do to dogs!!
    Jane x

  8. Nothing like a canine intruder to get the cats' noses out of joint!

  9. Your cats seemed to tolerate the intruder fairly well, I am not sure my cats would be as accommodating. What a great woven cat bed there.

    1. The basket is crocheted from strips of fabric and a gigundious hook. A friend made and sold them, until carpel tunnel overtook her.

  10. Cats are so non-chalant about these disruptions. They hide or just hang around to keep an eye on things. Dogs are just oblivious. :)

  11. That was fun - and I can see that "no cat was harmed in the making of this film" or whatever it is they say!

  12. Great pictures! It seems that harmony prevailed.
