
Monday, May 7, 2012

Spring has sprung, the grass is ris; she wonders where the beaches is

With apologies to Annonymous.

I saw this on E-Bay.  I confess, I went looking.  As she said, Linda has not spent a penny outfitting Goose.  I called her and tried to describe Goose’s new outfit.  It would be her outfit—I made sure I would not be outbid.  But, I couldn’t describe it.  I was laughing so hard I had to hold the phone far away and attempt composure.  I started again:  visualize Maxine.  No luck.  I was, as they tweet, ROFLMAO.  Think I got that right.  Well, Goose’s box arrived Saturday, but I couldn’t go until today.

I met such a pristine and sparkly Goose in the drive.  Her feathers are crisp, white, and all in place.

We had to help her into the new, itsy, bitsy, teeny weeny.  She had to shimmy and shake like your sister Sue, and hop ever so delicately inside the swim tube, but was it worth it?  After the hat and sunglasses for protection, absolutely YES!


  1. that is adorable....

  2. Oh dear he is ready for the summer:)

  3. Was she afraid to come out of the locker? (She needn't have been she looks fabulous)

  4. How cute! Thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting. You make my day.

  5. That's gotta be the most well dressed Goose i've ever seen, a real trendsetter :-).

  6. I am crying laughing ...the goose looks better than I do in a bathing suit!
    Jane x

  7. Now Don't you all wish she was in YOUR driveway....??? Only Joanne would do such a thing...I live in a small conservative town...Will let you know what comments I get.It should be interesting.She is indeed out to attract another goose..Wish her luck. Jane and Chris, I agree with your comment..

  8. Hope she does Ok in the sun. She is very white. Your addition was a big improvement.

  9. Soooo cute! Did she remember sunscreen? Those feathers are pretty white . . .

  10. Oh, she is lovely! Does she have a pen so she can write a postcard to her friend? :)

  11. That is so wonderfully goofy!! :-)


  12. She is one hot chickie, goosie :)
