
Sunday, May 27, 2012

Long weekend

The unofficial start of summer is certainly hot enough to be official.  Some of us are taking it easy today in preparation for a family picnic here tomorrow.

The parents of all my grandchildren have to bring a completed six page Camper Health History Form to the picnic so I will have it in hand to drop three grandkids off for summer day camp in the National Park.   When they arrive at camp the children apparently will be given a packet of Camp Expectations, which they will read and then sign an agreement they understand and will follow the expectations or be sent home.  What have we come to.   Eight and ten year olds so jaded and incorrigible they aren’t in awe of uniformed park rangers, camp cabins, woodlands and trails.

It has been a twenty odd year tradition here to eat watermelon at the deck rail.  Seeds are spit over the edge and rinds sailed into the woods for critter snacks.  Earlier this spring the three youngest at the rail, an eight and two ten year olds, discovered the hole in the elm and began winging their rinds toward it.  They ate extra watermelon and didn’t stop until there were chunks in the hole.  I imagine the sport will continue tomorrow.

I finished little quilt top 200.  Jan dubbed it The Watermelon.

There seems to be trouble on Blogger Dashboard, and people are posting the problem so often the response seems to pop up automatically:  We are aware of the issue and are working on it.  So, I’m posting on faith.  Have a safe and happy holiday.  If you were rained out on Victoria Day, take tomorrow off.  We’d love to have you, too.


  1. What a beautifully relaxed cat. All the good stuff in this post and I fixate on the cat. Well, there you go.

  2. Sounds like a great day!!!! And yeah, the quilt is aptly named -- and absolutely gorgeous. I'm thinkin' that I may consider a road trip up your way soon! Isn't the park near you a treasure? I hope the grands enjoy camp immensely

  3. No one can relax quite like the family kitty! Where has parental discipline gone? When eight year olds have to sign a waiver. And the saddest thing? It's needed. Love the quilt. Definitely watermelon! Hope you have a wonderful get-together!!!

  4. Did Toby complete the forms when he woke from his nap? Have a lovely time with your family.

  5. If I could get there I would! Spitting watermelon seeds sounds like a lot of fun....sure would thumb noses at my strict British upbringing!!
    Have fun...and spit a few for me.
    Jane xx

  6. Your quilt is very pretty. I like the name.

    Ah, summer camp...I never experienced that. My summer was spent hauling hay and working in the garden and always cleaning house. I bet summer camp would be fun.

  7. Lolling cat ... summer camp ... watermelon ... quilt ... lovely summer things - thank you!

  8. 200 quilt tops! That's a real number! "Bored" is not a word in your vocabulary, is it? Wonderful family, spitting watermelon seeds, loving life--it is full.

  9. What a great summer pass-time--spitting watermelon seed and tossing rinds into the trees. Does anybody make watermelon rind pickles anymore? I used to love those!

  10. The quilt top is beautiful. We just ate some watermelon and it was yum-o.

  11. It's sweltering here and we've gotten a little rain from subtropical story Beryl, hoping to get more. Cats do have a way of relaxing. I quite like the watermellon colors of the quilt.

  12. I love the watermelon quilt, the colours are similar to my bedroom colour scheme.....I should get my sewing machine fixed and give patchwork another try.
