
Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Vermont weather stick and other signs of spring

You remember the weather stick I gave the road department.  It was just pitiful last December, when the road super reminded me it had rained since spring:

You will notice the weather stick reigned alone last December!

It’s been a perky fellow for a while now; so I took my camera to work today to take some pictures.  Here it is about nine in the morning.  Notice the skepticism of the road crew; they’ve added a beat up old thermometer to the mix, just to be sure of what they’re seeing.  It probably is about sixty degrees.

Noonish.  I’m about to go home.  The stick thinks it’s warm and sunny.  However, it’s not eighty degrees.

I went around the building to get the outdoor view.  I guess Vermont knows the weather.  It’s not a hundred degrees, I assure you.  I need to mention to the road crew that thing is ruining the view!

It’s such a beautiful day, here’s the town hall.  1887.  The remaining example of stick architecture in the Western Reserve.  I think the windows are sublime.

On the way home.  The golfers glared at me.  Lighten up.

I passed a bicycle.  The road will be packed with them later in the afternoon.

Daffodils starting up in the field.

A volunteer crocus.  Some squirrel forgot.

Daffodils in the woods.  Another squirrel forgot.


  1. Wow, your Town Hall is a beautiful looking building. Such a lovely colour.

  2. It's good to see that the low-tech way wins. Lovely Town Hall.

  3. The Town Hall is a gem. Love the crocus too. Thanks.

  4. That is an impressive building for sure. Bikes all over the place here already...ignoring the rules of the road as usual.

  5. We hired a super duper all bells and whistles company to dig our well...I nearly fell over when the guy found a water supply using a hazel divining stick...but do you know, we've never had the well run dry!!
    Jane x

  6. Maybe they should pay more attention to the stick :-)

  7. It was 80 here yesterday and will be today. A mole ate 45 of my daffs and I do not feel kindly towards him. You live in a lovely part of the USA.

  8. What a fine day you illustrated for us! Thanks for sharing and just ignore the golfers!

  9. I always get a shock when I finish reading your posts and look out my window. I expect to find warm weather and flowers starting. Sigh. Your posts obviously take me away!
