
Saturday, February 11, 2012

Snow in NE Ohio

Last year we broke snowfall records, this year I’m looking at the second reasonable snowfall of the season. One four incher in January sent the snowplows out and they seem to have been down today, as it’s been snowing since last night to give us the two inches we have. 

Fat boy has a snug coat.  Everything Tom owns has a name.  He tills the garden with Big Red and mows with Big Yeller. I think he snow blows with another Big Red.  They aren’t twins, though.  He sends the grandkids around to pick up all the sticks and branches that fall, after which they can build a fire in Fat Boy and roast marshmallows. 

That upturned stone is a barn footer with a heart carved into it.  I bought it at a show, from a teenager with autism.  He had a corner of his mother’s booth at a spring herb show.  He had much larger stones with complex designs, some large enough to be watering troughs. This little heart was the least expensive among the small stones, the design was the most simple.  I paid seventy dollars for it in the 1980’s and he carried it to the car.  I would have preferred the clover or the fleur de leis, but could only afford the heart.  The animals don’t know that, and it’s the outdoor water bowl for the cat and dog all summer.  We tip it up in the winter so it doesn’t accumulate water, freeze and crack.

Toby watching me take pictures.

With a purloined pen.  He may want to appropriate the computer and write his own blog.   Does he really think I'm just a big cat?


  1. What a beautiful fuzzy baby. Don't tell him I said so, he'll get a fat head.

  2. I have filed that useful tip - once the grandchildren are old enough we'll put them to work on all the fallen sticks and reward them with outdoor toasted marshmallows. I can see how that would work!

  3. Interesting - naming everything. I know many people (I don't) name their cars. Speaking of names - have you ever posted about the name of this blog? I don't have a clue about the source of "cup on the bus". Thanks for following "A Few Clowns Short". Oh, I started a link-up thing for sharing laughs called Lisleman's Left-over Laughs (LLL) check it out if you have the time. I have done five of them so far.

  4. I've wondered about the name "Cup on a Bus" as well. What's the scoop? I have a kitty who likes to toss things onto the floor--fortunately, it's only one out of the three or nothing would be safe!

  5. Oooh snow. How exciting. I am jealous. Our furbabies Jazz n Jewel would hate it. Jewel purloins my watch, my earrings and any pen she can find. Jazz doesn't bother unless it is edible. Toby is just beautiful.

  6. See "Cup on the Bus" in October 2011!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Hmmm. A blog from the cat's point of view. Sounds like something Pearl would do! I love to hear that other people name their tools and inanimate objects! My husband names ours, but usually with a version of the original name. For example, our dishwasher is a washdisher. And our snowblower (very important piece of equipment in Edmonton, except for this winter . . .) is a the old blowsnower.
    I'm thinking of having him bronzed.
