
Saturday, December 17, 2011

Turkeys redux

I asked Jan for more pictures of Angus and Fiona.  I got the contents of her bottom desk drawer, a haul I have spent the afternoon selectively scanning.  We have actual photos of the turkey invasion:

In the side yard, featuring the compost bin Bill didn't burn down.

In the front yard.

Possibly too late for bed check.

A true cat fantasy.  No, Purrl didn't do it.


  1. They aren't a pretty bird but stuffed with bread and onion dressing....a thing of beauty.

  2. This is probably un-American, but ham trumps turkey every day. Thanksgiving ham. Christmas ham. Yum yum yum.

  3. I love ham. Turkey is Thanksgiving food!

  4. I've just read the post on the turkey invasion - brilliant!

    Today is Farmers' Market Day in Louth, so I will be collecting the ham which I ordered for Christmas.
