
Wednesday, October 19, 2011

More lost quilts, and one that wasn't

The lost tulip quilt was an exciting find in the metal storage box, but there are more.  Here is a bow tie quilt mom made in the 1930’s and counted gone forever.  Jan likes the yellow thread used for quilting.  I like the prairie point border, carrying along the theme of the bow tie points.

Grandma Troike made this postage stamp quilt.  These blocks literally are postage stamp sized and represent nights and nights of sewing.  Quilts were made to be used.  They might be entered in a county fair and bring their maker a ribbon for workmanship, but that quilt surely went back home to be used on a bed.  The pride of workmanship is so evident in these quilts by my mother and my great grandmother.  I think this quilt is phenomenal!

Our Grandma Troike died in 1956.  I remember both Grandma and Grandpa Troike (who outlived her another decade).  I associate her with the first television in our house; mom bought it with her share of Grandma’s estate. The yellow water lily quilt was put in Jan’s cedar chest in 1956; when it passed from Grandma Troike to mom.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, what a history you have! Some people keep journals and record their history through scribblings on paper. Others through the fine work of their hands. I'm so envious!
