
Wednesday, August 24, 2011

MDS Fact Checker

I spent Monday at Linda's and yesterday at my real job.  I didn't feel like more organizing of the family stories, so I leafed through a huge book of family genealogy assembled by my youngest daughter twenty years ago.  I still can't wrap my brain around charts of people (collateral stroke damage?), so I sorted through her odds and ends and came up with so many family facts!  I need to resort and verify with cousins and make a few corrections (Aunt Laura, Aunt Ruth and Aunt Helen Rita all went to the convent orphanage!).  It should be sorted and presented chronologically, so I'll get on that.

And, Linda has given me an MDS degree:  Master Denim Sewer.

This actually is step three.  I will never be an MDSt or an MDC.  Master Denim Stripper or Master Denim Cutter.  Those degrees belong to Linda's mother Alberta, who sits in the swing and strips jeans down to flat pieces with no seams, then sits at at the cutter and turns them into tiny strips.  You've met Alberta, on Linda's web site.  I sew them end to end, according to Linda's exacting specifications:  No Dog Ears!

Here ya go.  Aren't they beautiful.  Denim rugs and wool rugs will outlast you.  Those wild and crazy things she weaves will, too, but what happens when you repaint the kitchen!  Denim and wool--way to go.

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