
Wednesday, August 31, 2011

If you have a smart phone......

My bud in the other end of the building stopped to shoot the breeze yesterday.  Just ketchup, we've both been pretty busy.  Her bathroom's being remodelled at home; they're showering at the neighbors.  I commiserated; I climbed a ladder to the second floor when we remodelled here twenty odd years ago.  I told her about our new kitty and how he was rescued with a kitty app in a parking lot in Pennsylvania.  And so forth and so on and we were good and caught up and got back to work.

From her email this morning:

You’ll laugh at this one: after you told me about the kitten and the Kitty app, I downloaded the (free)kitty app on my phone yesterday and tried it out on Pita.  He LOVES the kittens!  I have to keep him confined while the construction is going on, and it’s a battle every day to get him into the bedroom.  This morning he followed me right in with the Kitty app!  Works better than peanut butter…

And, her cat's named Pita for a reason.

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