
Sunday, August 7, 2011

Basket factory

If you want Laura or Emily, they’re in the basement, making baskets.  The traditional basket class last week was a hit, but the wild and crazy class was a grand slam.  My feet weren’t on the floor yesterday morning when Jan stuck her head in and said she and Tom were taking the girls to Mansfield to the basket supply store.  To get “bones” they can weave the grape vines and cattails around.  And other stuff they gathered that probably is the source of Em’s poison ivy.  (They aren’t weaving with poison ivy; it was near the grape vines.)

They were home about lunch time yesterday and disappeared until supper.  I found them in plain view, working away on the bench under the oak tree.  After supper it rained, so the operation moved into the basement.  Now it’s grown into quite the well staged factory.  That’s probably Em’s doing.  Two oak school chairs, the elevator toilet to hold the stack of reed, water bucket, towel, garden shears. Stacks of "wild and crazy" weaving stuff.  It’s probably the better area to work in; I see a lot of Uncle Tom’s clamps in use; best they don’t get lost in the grass.

Here are the inspiration baskets: big baskets--
Little baskets--
A picture to send home to mom:

 I’ll try to sneak some basket factory pictures.

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